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Maari entered with his 2 friends but seeing him anjali stands in shock.
Even Maari is shocked to see anjali.
Maari slowly said, "anjali" but anjali slapped him in anger and shouted, "you liar. You lied that your wife is killed by your enemies right"
Anjali words shocked everyone even more.
"what is happening here" Rakesh asked.
"uncle he is a liar" anjali said and was about to slap him when, "Anjali leave him. Let him say what he wants to" swathi said and continued looking towards towards Maari, "now say what you want to say. What's your past?  How anjali is related to you? Who is your wife?  What's her name "
Maari started speaking, "my wife anandhi.  Anjali's sister"
All looked towards anjali shockingly while she has tears in edge of her eyes.
"what anjali had a sister? " munna asked
"but what happened to her ?" swathi asked but anjali said looking at someone, "ah......everyone I know I overreacted and you all want answers for some questions but right now we have something else to do" saying she points towards preeti.
She is still in shock after knowing that the one she called her dad is not her real father.
"preeti beta... "Rama started but preeti stopped her saying, "you all cheated me"
But Rakesh sat beside her and said, "preeti I know what you are feeling but just think it. When we were attacked by that gang years ago we thought we lost your parents with sunaina and her father. How can we say that your parents are not us  and what will we say when you ask about your parents?
"dad" only word come out of preeti's mouth.
Anand and Bela in the thought that preeti would never call them parents was about to go from there when preeti hold their hand and said, "papa" preeti called anand emotional. And she hugged them and said, "mumma".
All are very happy.
"but I need...... "before preeti could complete her sentence Anand said, "take your own time beta".
All smiled.

"OK everyone I have some important and happy news about my dad to you all" sunaina said and all are surprised because he is killed by karthik years ago.
"that...... " before sunaina would speak a call came but attention it she is shocked and dropped the phone.
"what happened sunaina" sharad asked
"papa is kidnapped" sunaina said and sameer started sweating which is again noticed by anjali.
"what? But how" sameer said acting like he doesn't know about this but the family are shocked.
"is kamalesh still alive but how" vivek asked.
"yes uncle. Actually that day you remember right, Anand uncle saw sameer dragging my papa actually he was alive so we take him to give him first aid but at the time karthik escaped with your help. Till now he was in coma but now he is kidnapped. Who it will be? "sunaina said and tears started coming from her eyes.
"sunu relax we will find papaji" sharad said.
"But how, even karthik doesn't know where is papa" sunaina said while crying.
"maybe he must have found it by now" Pandit said.
"no we set tight security around him" sharad said.
Suddenly sunaina got another call she put it on speaker, "Mam this is your PA Lina speaking. Mam karthik found me and threatened me to say about your father's location otherwise he said he will kill my family. Without having options I said it to him. I am sorry mam. He must be trying to harm him. That's why I called you to inform"
"Lina go and see your family first. I will see about karthik" saying sameer cuts the call 
"sameer why are behaving differently" anjali asked
"no nothing I am like always only" sameer said but,"sameer till now naina didn't come where is she" preeti asked to sameer questioningly.
But he again started stammering.
Seeing this all become doubt and munna said, "you were talking in naina's room right. Let's go there ".
Saying all walked towards the room but the room is empty.
Pandit suddenly saw a video camera lying on the floor.
They checked it and saw sameer saying while pointing gun on her, "I am going to ki............" and the video gets over.
"what you did to naina" Pandit shouted but sameer already closed the door and smirked at them. 
"sameer don't do you know about my papa. What you did to naina and him. Say please" sunaina cried.
"you will know that soon" sameer said and went from there.
"I will not believe this. He is surely up to something. I won't think  bad about him again" vishakha said and continued, "but this video".
"all don't worry I already inserted a tracker when I got doubt on him itself" anjali said and gestured Maari to try to open the door.
"Maari with his friends opened the door but sameer was not there.
"you all be here. Me and Maari will go" anjali said but vishakha said, "please take me. I want my son. I can't afford to loose him again. I want reason for his behavior".
"and I want my father" sunaina said.
"No it's dangerous" Maari said and continued, "I can understand your pain because even I have undergone something like this. Don't worry we will bring sunaina's dad safely"
Saying he went with anjali along with his 2 friends.

In a insolated, karthik is seen drinking wine, at that time sameer came and karthik said, "have you done the work".
And he and karthik smirked at each other.
"I know sameer even though you helped me you have something in your mind. But before that I will kill you" karthik said and take out his gun.
Sameer too take his gun but realized that there is no gun in it.
Karthik hold his gun to shoot him.

A gun shot sound was heard and a person fell down injured.
Preedit and swamun who followed anjali and Maari is shocked to see the person who is injured.........


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