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''Nithya ,is everything ready for the media conference meet'' sameer asked naina who just entered his cabin.
''yes sir'' naina said.
After sometime, At conference hall,
''where is this nithya, I think I should manage without her only'' sameer said to himself.
Meeting started
REPORTER :- sir Is it true that you handover your company to the owner of 'ND industries' and also signed a contract of working as employee under ND industries owner ''.
''what a hell I never signed anything and have never met ND industries owner in my life '' sameer said controlling his anger in front of media.
''can you repeat what you said Mr. Maheshwari'' naina asked getting inside the conference hall.
''Nithya where were you? And what are you talking about?  Sameer asked naina thinking he is talking to his PA.
'' see everyone just now he said he has never saw me but now behaving so casually with me ''  naina said and then it strikes sameer that he was fooled by her but then nithya/naina continued ,''see these papers which you have signed during our deal''saying she forwarded some papers.
But sameer knew he is trapped, so started his acting, ''oh Miss nithya how can you say that I forget our contract, actually I was little irritated as the conference already started but u did show up that's why I said like that'' and then he turned towards the media and said,'' sorry everyone actually, yes we signed a contract but I am not handovering my company, at first we thought to merge our campanies and I got a idea of working in her company for sometime to become friendly with them and observe how there work is and after somedays we will again think of whether to merge our companies or not ''.
Naina is shocked to see him creating a story within few secs but remains quite because she knows that he definitely has something in his mind.
After 2 hrs,
The conference meet is over.
Everyone left the room, only samaina are remaining.
''I should have been alerted on the interview day itself but you can never win from this maheshwari Miss nithya'' sameer said smirking at her and then continued, ''but how did you get my signature ''
''Remember that day when we were returning from the business party, you asked for coffee but I mixed some pills which makes you semi conscious and you lost your sense, At that time only I made you sign the papers '' naina said.
''oh but I will surely bring my company back'' sameer said.
''In your dreams '' saying naina was about to leave but ''Miss nithya '' sameer called.
''see Mr maheshwari I don't know in which confidence you are saying you will get your company. But the truth is you can't do anything '' naina said and was about to go when she stopped listening his voice, ''I can't do anything but the real owner of this 'ss industries' can do right '' he said and smirks at naina.
''but it's your company right sameer sunaina industries'' naina asked confused.
''correction, 2nd 's' is for sunaina but 1st 's' goes to real owner of this company.
''who is it ? No you are lying. Ur tricks won't work on me '' naina said.
''OK but you itself think have you ever seen me signing anything, I am just caretaker of this company till it's owners come and I won't say his name but I am saying this much details to because even if you try to reach him and expose me in front of media also it will be risky for you too because we are too dangerous and knows how to cover it. So better stay away '' saying sameer turned to leave but continues, ''YOUR PLAN IS SUCCESSFULL BUT FAILED'' and went from there leaving a confused naina who is trying to figure out who will be the real owner.

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