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Swathi's parents are shocked and teary eyed seeing their daughter shouting at them.
Suddenly a hand slapped swathi.

All are shocked to see the person.

All elders said together, "Prabha"
They are shocked and teary eyed.

"How dare you?" prabha shouted.

"Prabha you are alive?" Kamalesh asked emotionally.

"why?  Do you want me to die? Am ashamed to call you my family" prabha said and continued, "Now am not that weak woman..... I know what to do with your people"

"please listen to us" Kamalesh said and Anand said, "Bhabhi we are happy to see you... Please listen to us once"

"why should I? Have you killed karthik or is he alive?" prabha asked

"Aunty please listen to us once" naina said.

Prabha stared at her and asked, "who are you?"

"The girl who karthik called as a boy" naina said confusing her

"What?" prabha asked

" yes aunty 30 years ago what karthik said to that these elders I mean our parents and your friends killed your one child since she is a girl then who are we?  I am daughter of Mr Rakesh Aggarwal. She is preeti daughter of Mr Anand Aggarwal and atlast the daughter who karthik said they all killed..... One of your twin.... Sunaina... She is your daughter" Naina said

"How can I believe you?" Prabha asked doubtfully.

"OK then see this video" Saying sameer forwarded a pen drive.

Prabha inserted the pen drive in her laptop and saw the video

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Prabha inserted the pen drive in her laptop and saw the video... It has karthik's speech where he said how he made prabha believe them as killers and killed them.

Prabha is shocked.. She wasted 30 years and stay away from her family because of this man.

"I don't know karthik was so evil" prabha said with tears.

"No need to we are so happy we can live happily forever" Vivek said.

All nodded yes.

"Swathi beta sorry we tried to separate you from this awesome family because of a man like karthik" beena said.

"But mom how is karthik related to us?" swathi ask confused.

"And how you suddenly thought to come here prabha" Vishaka asked.

"Prabha if you are alive then where is our other daughter" kamalesh asked.

Prabha smiled and said, "swathi am going to say something which will shock you.... So he is our other twin.... My daughter.. Our daughter swathi"

Like she said swathi is shocked... She looks towards Beena and Naresh with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry beta... We never planned to reveal this to you.... But now since prabha got her family.. You should know who are your real family" Naresh said and beena continue, "Are you angry with us?"

Swathi nodded no tearfully and hugged them.

"But you two will be her parents for sure.... As it's you who protect her and brought her up as such a sweet girl" Prabha said

All hugged swathi emotionally.

"Now I got it how  kamalesh uncle woke up from coma after swathi and sunaina hold his hand" Preeti said and all remember how kamalesh woke up after sunaina and swathi  held his hand together.

"What he was in coma?" Prabha ask shocked.

"yes you all first come and sit" Rama said and after all sat on the sofa.... Rakesh said.... How they separated.... How karthik planned to separate the family using sunaina... How sameer sacrificed his love...... How naina became a mafia to revenge sameer...... And finished saying what and all happened till now.

"Desnity was, is and always the best player which never fails to provided people what they deserves" naina said happily.

"Karthik tried to separate us but we were never separated and living happily and poor karthik.........  If he understands the value of family earlier would have been happy with us" sameer said and all nodded.

"Yes let's forget everything and start afresh" preeti said and all agreed.

While karthik saw all this and boiling in anger.

"I will destroy you all for sure" karthik but a man dragged him inside a room which was filled with smoke and looked like hell.

A man came out of a small room and said, "Even after death you won't be quiet right?"

"Hey first tell me who are you?" Karthik shouted with attitude.

"I am God of death.... Now you are going to have your punishment for your sins which you commit on earth" Saying he ordered the man who dragged karthik inside the room to give him the his punishment according to his sins.

Soon some more men came and they dragged karthik to give his punishment.


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