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After 1 week,
''Hey sunaina, I think we should cancel our plan about nithya'' sameer said to sunaina over video call.
''what, are you mad sameer?'' sunaina said trying to make him understand but then continued, ''what made you think like this?''
''whenever I saw her, I feel like, I am seeing my naina. Whenever I talk to her again I feel like l am talking to naina. But I don't know why? '' sameer confused.
''hey fool,can you understand, you are in love'' sunaina said happily.
''what!! No-no I can't love anyone. I can't betray my naina '' said sameer remember the lovely moments he lived with naina.
''sameer but naina is no more and her soul won't be in peace if she see you crying for her'' sunaina said.
''but have you forgotten, I am responsible for Naina's death and I can't come out of that guilt but seeing the things which happened in this one week, I don't feel like harming nithya. I am confused who I love now'' sameer said
''OK close your eyes and see who's face comes first to your mind '' sunaina said
''OK'' saying sameer closed his eyes and see  nithya but then nithya slowly removes the cloth which is hiding her face and then now sameer see naina.
''sunaina I saw both nithya &naina'' sameer said shocking sunaina.
''what? Sameer can you explain me clearly'' sunaina asked confused.
''you know that till now no one has seen nithya's face even myself and when I closed my eyes I saw nithya with her face closed and then she removes her shawl and her face is revealed as naina'' sameer said
''oh no sameer, I think seeing the similarities between naina and nithya, you fell for nithya thinking her to be naina''sunaina said and continued, ''sameer many people fails in first love but only some get the chance of getting a person who have the same things which we saw in our first love. So, I am not saying you to forget naina instead say to nithya about naina and ask her if she likes you or not. If she likes you back then propose'' sunaina said hoping atleast this time sameer will listen to her.
''sunaina first I need to confirm my feelings and just now we became friends, because beg 1 week we are like who will kill who and who will die first. Now only all that changed, so let's move slowly and yesterday she said her story which makes her mafia and also which makes her lost trust in boys'' sameer said while his heart pained remember her sad story.
''OK your wish but how you two become friends in one week. Be careful, it can be her plan'' sunaina said thinking how can someone change in just one week.
''yeah I will see that when we comes to London because I am well prepared . If she has some plan then she will surely execute it and we will finish her chapter but if she truly changed then I will say the truth and our past and let's see whether she likes me or not '' sameer said.
''but sameer you did said what happens in this one week and how you both become friends '' sunaina asked smiling.
''ah.....nothing '' sameer said remembering the moments and his cheek turned red.
''wow the mafia king is blushing. After naina, only nithya have this magic to make sameer maheshwari blush. I can't believe this '' sunaina said happily because sameer is truly happy after 8 years.
''Nothing happens, we just talked with each other daily and become friends and yesterday she said she will not harm me and decided to become my friend'' sameer said.
''OK bye, have some work. See you in London. Sameer when you are coming''
Sunaina asked.
'' next week '' sameer said and both ended the call.

''I don't know whether i love you or not but whenever I see you I saw my naina'' sameer
Said thinking how his life changed in this one week.

Samaina are working together. 
''sameer, can you check what's wrong with my laptop. I am not getting what I want '' naina/nithya said.
Sameer went and checked her laptop and unknowingly, they get into a eyelock.
After sometime their eyelock is break by a phone call.  Both did say anything and sameer went to do his work and naina attend the call.
Next day, naina took sameer to her mansion saying they need to prepare more for the presentation as it's very important .
To sameer's shock, there is not even one photo hanging on the wall.
''Nithya mam, why you don't have any photos in your house'' sameer asked and seeing naina is not saying anything said, ''sorry if I have asked something wrong.  Actually eventhough we are mafia enemies, we are working on this project together that's why I tried to be normal with you'' sameer said
''O that's OK even you are right . Actually I don't have anyone and I don't want my face to be revealed to anyone, that's why there is no pic in my house''naina said looking at the laptop.
''oh OK '' saying sameer continued his work.
After sometime sameer was about to leave but he slipped and fell on naina.
Both looked into each others eyes deeply but suddenly come back to sense hearing some sound.
''Mam I think there is someone upstairs. Let me check '' sameer said and was about to go when naina said, '' sameer it's neighbor's cat ,you can go leave ''.
Sameer went from there.

''When we had those eyelocks, I feel like am seeing naina's eyes but after that i feels guilty because I thought I am cheating naina and still I am not sure about this feeling'' sameer said and fell asleep.

''Naina can you please explain me why you are doing this? That day we would have been caught when you brought him home and he would have killed us'' Anand yelled at naina for being careless.
''No chachu, I have planned everything perfectly. I am just making him think that I am in love with him and if he fells for me then my plan will be even better '' naina said.
''what are you saying beta? '' Bela chachi asked.
''yes chachi, years back, he broke my heart, now I am going to Break heart and kill him'' naina said
''But what happens that day when he comes here, even you lost control right. If I have not made the sound and distracted you then you would have fallen for him again'' Anand chachu said.
''No chachu that's just my plan but why he behaved like that I don't understand because he loves his wife so much''naina said and continued after a while, '' chachu chachi I forgot one important thing that he accepted my friendship proposal yesterday'' she said happily but both stared at her angrily and Anand said, ''see, what you are doing is not right. You can be a mafia because they are more dangerous and I have seen it with my own eyes, so we are also coming with you to London because we can't lose you '' Anand said.
''But chachu if sameer sees you means...... ''
Before naina would complete ''he won't see us because we will be near you and not with you. We will watch you from a hotel and you must wear the video camera, if something goes wrong then we can help you '' Anand finished.
''but how will you help me. I won't allow you to risk your like'' naina said because they are her only family but then continued, ''After I kill sameer, I will surprise my family members and we all can live with them together ''
''Naina if something happens to you then what is the need for us of living. So whatever comes we will face it together '' Anand said and they had a family hug.

At naina's room
Now need to be more careful because of the mistake done by me. I should not have said about  my plan to chachaji.
But how can sameer change this fast?
With this question naina went to sleep.


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