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A gun shot sound was heard and a person fell down injured.
Preedit and swamun who followed anjali and Maari is shocked to see the person who is injured.........

Anjali shot karthik and his gun fell from his hands.
Sameer took the gun and said, "now it's time to end your crime" saying he is about to shoot him when karthik laughed , "hahah sameer till you didn't understand who am I and what can I do? I have sunaina's dad with me and don't forget naina is dead" he said  and was about to call his goons but Maari tied karthik to a chair.
And now preedit and swamun remember the video they saw were sameer held naina at gun point
"sameer please say what happen to naina. What did you smirk at us? Don't say that you killed her" preeti said while others are in tears. At the time even the family members came and heard preeti's question to sameer.
"yes beta say what happen to naina" vishakha asked
"she is dead...... " karthik said 
But sameer didn't say anything and stayed silent.
"sameer say something" munna said
"He won't. How will he say naina is dead. Hahaha now you all are going to die. But before that see your friend's dead first" saying karthik asked them to switch on the TV near them.
A video started playing and a dark room is shown.
Without seeing it karthik said, "see see kamalesh my brother is fighting for his life"
But all are confused and said, "there is no one in the room".
Karthik is shocked.
"no no!  This can't happen. Where is he?" karthik shouted and called his men but no one came there.
Now sameer slowly lift his head and smirked towards karthik and laughed.
Hearing his laughter all turned their head towards him.
He started speaking, "Now did you understand what can this maheshwari do?
How can you think that I will obey your words. When you threatened me itself we made this plan and rescued kamalesh uncle. Now before dying say why you did all this"
Defeated karthik started speaking, "it's all because of you only sameer. It's all because of you that I lost everything. That's why I made plan to hurt you all deeply and kill you. But but.......... " karthik started behaving madly.
"It's all because of you......." karthik and sameer slapped and said, "you separated our family when I was a year old but you are saying am the reason for your revenge"
Hearing sameer all are shocked.
Rakesh asked, "Is karthik the one who planned and separated our family in the name of terrorist attack"
"yes dad it's him only" sameer said.
When there are talking karthik saw a blade near him and cutted the rope which tied his hands to the chair.
He snatched sameer's gun and said, "now all are going to die" saying he is about to shoot them but anjali shot him in his chest.
Karthik fell down holding him chest and shouted in pain.
"then what was the need to kill my family" anjali shouted in pain.
"that's because of your sister. She tried to stop me with this Maari. So I killed her along with your parents but when I thought to kill this maari, he joined with this sameer. So I made another plan and waited for a right moment to finish you all" karthik said and this time get a slap from Rakesh who asked, "Is that the reason why you are saying sameer is the reason for your revenge?".
"so you remember that day" karthik laughed evilishly.
"Sameer has nothing to do with it. It's because you are evil and it's in your fate that you should be caught by us because of sameer but you psycho...........we  thought you have changed" Anand said with a painful and angry voice.
"sameer kill him" vivek said and all are shocked.
"what are you saying dad?  We need reason for why he did all this" sameer said.
"didn't you hear them we know what happened that night and what he is talking about. If we leave him alive then he will surely spoil our lives" vivek said.
Nodding his head sameer aimed the gun at karthik's head but stopped hearing karthik, "but still I won't because you lost your love naina and that too you killed her with your own hand" karthik asked sameer who dropped the gun in shock.
Now only all remember about naina and saw sameer standing with expressionless face..................
"Hi everyone good morning" sameer wished everyone but none wished him back.
"what are you all upset?" sameer asked
"you don't know the reason? " preeti asked in a angry face.
"ah...... " sameer is about to say something when sunaina said, "stop it sameer we don't want to talk to you"







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