Cha 9.) Deadly Suspicion

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I left my room in silence quickly heading to the cafeteria, I wanted to be the first one there.
I took a knife from the utensils for eating and hid it in my pocket.
I couldn't sleep last night because of my anxiousness of being murdered in my sleep.
I then felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Suga, hey."
I turned around to see Hinata.
"Hey Hin- wait.. you shouldn't be out here alone! Where's Kageyama?"
I asked.
"I'm fine! Plus, you should be with Daichi or at least someone!"
Hinata explained.
Didn't he see me take the knife?
I wasn't planning on using it, just for protection but.. Wouldn't you still ask?
"Also, what are you gonna use that knife for?"
Hinata asked the question I was waiting for him to ask but the question I also didn't want him to.

"This is just.. For protection."
I mumbled.
Hinata nodded as if he believed me, there was no hesitation.
I smiled and patted his head.
Just then a few people started to come in.
Tsukishima along with Yamaguchi.
Also Nishinoya.
As the two went to get food Yamaguchi was just looking at me, not in a menacing way, he seemed nervous.
Maybe he wanted to talk?

I tried to calm myself down from the suspicion that was multiplying in my head.
Then Daichi walked into the cafeteria.
He sat next to me without bothering to get food.
"Morning, Suga!"
He said with a smile.
"Good morning, Daichi!"
I said smiling back.
"You feeling okay this morning?"
He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
I answered.
"I'm just thinking of why one of us would team up with that bear thing.. Maybe they'd get benefits?"
I said bringing up what happened the day before.
"Yup, one of us are definitely receiving something for working with Monokuma otherwise why else would one of us be the "traitor."
He said.
Then he got up to get breakfast.

I looked around the room, everyone was inside of the cafeteria now.
I turned to my left, Yamaguchi was still looking at me.
I was starting to get uncomfortable.
I looked around for Kenma and Kuroo, I didn't talk to them the other day and it'd be nice to.
I got up and walked over to them, they were eating at the table that was the most far from Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.
"Hey Kenma, Kuroo! How are you guys?"
I asked with a smile.
"We're fine Suga, thanks for the check in, look we're sorry about how we've been acting. If we wanna live we need to come together as one."
Kuroo said, his composure seemed completely different.
He was smiling.
It seems that Kenma was a great help.

"It's fine, I get it, it's scary to trust everyone. Anyways, enjoy your breakfast!"
I said with a happy tone.
Kenma stayed quiet.
I was trying to lighten the mood though, this only made me feel disgusted with myself as I turned to Bokuto who sat alone.
He wasn't even eating.
I walked over to him as everyone was talking so casually and happily.

They were all ignoring the fact that one of us were actually a traitor, I guess it's the best thing to do for now.
Before I could get to Bokuto someone else did.
I sat down next to Bokuto though he didn't seem to notice.
Hinata also went unnoticed by Bokuto who sat right in front of him.
I tapped his shoulder which caused him to flinch.
"Bokuto, hey, it's just me and Hinata. You feeling alright?"
I asked.
"I'm fine."
He mumbled.

Such a clear lie and even though I knew it was a lie I accepted the answer.
"Hey, Bokuto, look at me!"
Hinata spoke up.
Bokuto slowly looked to his friend.
"Akaashi wants you to live, he did that for you because he cared about you. You have to live for him, that wasn't your fault okay!?"
He yelled loud enough so that everyone in the cafeteria quieted down.
Bokuto's eyes widened at his words, even though I kinda said what Hinata had said the other day.
I guess it depends on who it's coming from.
I smiled as Bokuto nodded.
Suddenly I could see confidence in Bokuto's eyes as if he knew he'd make it.
"I'll make it for Akaashi, no matter what I have to do!"
He shouted.
After a while of talking to Bokuto and Hinata I noticed that one by one everyone was dispersing.

Hinata seemed to be looking for someone.
Hinata called for Kageyama in the halls.
I decided that I'd leave him be.
As I walked away from the cafeteria I noticed the loud clumsy foot steps that came from behind me.
I was alone, I shouldn't have left Hinata.
I felt nervousness arise like acid making me want to throw up.
I walked up the stairs wondering if the foot steps would follow me.
It turns out someone really was following me.
Suddenly they tapped onto my shoulder which instinctively made me pull out my knife.. And..
Stab whoever it was that was following me.
"Yamaguchi! I-"




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