Cha 13.) Fights

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I woke up from a sleepless night.
Only two hours of sleep, I was restless because of what had happened.
We're losing everyone so quickly..
I looked at the clock in my room, it was ten o'clock.
Usually at this time someone would come to wake you up if you were still sleeping after nine.
I cautiously got up from the bed walking out of my dorm slowly.
I called out to him in the hall but no response.

What am I thinking, he wouldn't wait for me just because we formed an alliance!
I didn't wait for him the other day.
I sighed walking towards the cafeteria hungry.
Hopefully there's still food.

As I got closer to the cafeteria I heard yelling.
Once I walked in I realized why that was so.
Kageyama was on top of Oikawa beating him up.
Oikawa screamed.
Iwaizumi was trying to yank him off.
Iwaizumi punched him as Kageyama attempted to make another swing at Oikawa.
Asahi was also there with Nishinoya just trying to calm them both down.
"Guys! Calm down, please!"
Asahi begged.

Nishinoya yelled in anger.
Kageyama stopped hitting him and looked to me wide eyed. "Kageya-"
He made his way over walking past me towards the nurses office.

"Kageyama, are you alright!?"
I asked following close behind him.
"I'm fine, I just need a bandaid or two."
He mumbled.
"You're bleeding a lot!"
I said worried.
"It's just a nose bleed you idiot."
He said turning to me.
I ran into the nurses office before him grabbing a few bandaids and bandages.
Monokuma wasn't here, no one was here.
We'd have to do it all ourselves.
As I had grabbed a few medical supplies I saw rat poison and a few other poisons in a cabinet.
Suddenly Bokuto, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi walked into the office.

"Why is there poison in here..?"
I mumbled pointing to the cabinet walking over to Kageyama.
"How should I know? It's Monokuma's doing, he obviously wants us to murder each other with that stuff."
Kageyama explained.
"How about we stick one of them down Kageyama's throat Iwa Chan?"
Oikawa suggested jokingly.

"That's not funny, Oikawa."
Iwaizumi said harshly.
Oikawa started applying bandaids on his face as Iwaizumi helped him.
"Come here!"
I said to Kageyama.
"I can do this myself."
Kageyama said in a rude tone.
"Just come here."
I said annoyed.
"You probably won't do the best job."
I said.
Bokuto then left the room without a word.
We were probably only stressing him more.
He already lost Akaashi and now all of this?

"Just let me help you."
I ordered annoyed. Kageyama nodded in defeat and sat on one of the beds. I applied bandages onto him and as I was Oikawa tried to start another fight.
"We're all gonna die, you know that right?
One of us will kill again and we won't be able to figure it out without Sugawara and we'll all die! The traitor gets what they wanted, yippee!"
Oikawa yelled.

"We're all gonna die, you know that right? One of us will kill again and we won't be able to figure it out without Sugawara and we'll all die! The traitor gets what they wanted, yippee!"Oikawa yelled

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"Just shut up, me and Hinata can put things together if we try hard enough. You and Iwaizumi aren't even trying! You two isolate yourselves away from us creating division, you two-"
"Clam down Kageyama, just ignore him."
I said.
Then Oikawa started to talk again, I then started trying to speak over him.
I yelled which made Kageyama surprisingly laugh.
"Whatever, just know that little guys like you are the kinds who won't make it in this killing game. If it weren't for Asahi, Kuroo and Kageyama you, Nishinoya, and Kenma would be goners."
Oikawa laughed as he started walking out with Iwaizumi following close behind him smacking Oikawa on the head.
Oikawa whined in pain.

I then laughed at the two followed by a long sigh.
"Hey.. Hinata?"
Kageyama said.
"T    nk    y   u.."
He mumbled so low that I could barely make out what he said.
"Uh... Huh?"
I tilted my head.
He yelled embarrassed.
I yelled back.
We stared at each other for a minute before I started to laugh.
"What's so funny.."
Kageyama mumbled.
"Even now we still bicker like before but we're closer. We're keeping each other safe you know?"
I said smiling.
Kageyama brushed off what I had said and closed his eyes stressed.
"Why isn't there any damn milk in this place?"
Kageyama muttered annoyed.
"Oh, come on! That's all you're thinking about?"
I started to laugh again.
"What am I supposed to be thinking about?"
Kageyama seemed genuinely confused.
"About my sentimental words, meanie!"
I whined.

"Oh yes, thank you the oh so great Hinata for bestowing your ever so very kind words upon me!"
Kageyama addressed sarcastically.
"Yeah yeah, very funny, Kageyama.. Now.. Don't get into anymore fights okay?"
I mumbled cleaning the blood off of his nose.
"I can't promise anything with that guy around."
He said crossing his arms.

Would Kageyama kill Oikawa?

I stayed silent thinking about the promise I had made to Sugawara. I guess Kageyama noticed that I didn't take what he said lightly.

"No, Hinata, I was joking. I'll.. Stop. Happy?"
He mumbled.
My mood was quickly lifted.
I nodded a smile back onto my face.
He looked at me and tilted his head.
"Did you get any sleep last night, I just noticed it but your eyes are all puffy and- wait, were you crying?"
He asked.
"I mean weren't you?"
I asked quickly getting defensive.

"Hey, I wasn't gonna make fun of you for it.. Look, I know I'm an asshole, or I was before all of this.. But I'm here for you now. Weirdly enough I only trust you. Maybe it's because you're so short and weak bu-"
"I am not! And if anything you're super darn weak as well, so don't even go there!"
"Don't deny it you little orange idiot and I am not! I drink milk all the time. Don't worry, one day you'll get stronger.. Hopefully."
He said standing up patting my head, laughing.
I got instant Suga flashbacks with the head pat and my face dropped.

"Just know that I won't let anyone kill you, just don't try and get yourself killed, okay?"
He asked at the door.
"Alright, I won't. And.. I'll protect you too!"
I said confident in what I said.
He smirked at me before he walked out.
I felt a smile form on my face.

I trust you too, Kageyama.



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