Cha 25.) I Said Not Him

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I woke up cuddled into Kageyama.
I groaned and sat up looking down at him.
He looked so much more peaceful when he slept.
I smiled at him and got up changing.
I put on a shirt and pants and walked over to Kageyama shaking him a little.
"Kageyama.. It's time to get up."
I mumbled.

Suddenly a strange feeling took over me.
Why hadn't Monokuma come to bother us in a while.
It's been a few days.
He doesn't even tell us to go to our dorms at night anymore or anything.

'Could he be letting us go soon?'

I questioned to myself.
I couldn't get my hopes up.
He just wanted someone to kill in the night or maybe the traitor and Monokuma were doing something big.
Kageyama finally got up quietly yawning.
He turned to me and smiled.
"Morning, Kageyama!"
I tilted my head smiling at him.
"Morning, Hinata."
Kageyama said.
He then got up heading out.
"I'll meet you in the cafeteria, I'm gonna go change!"
I nodded and as soon as he left I got ready to go to the cafeteria.
Once I got there I opened the doors to see only Asahi and Kuroo.
They seemed to be as equally as confused as I was.

"Where is everyone?"
I asked.
"I'm not sure, I knocked on Kenma's door and no response. He's probably purposely ignoring me.."
Kuroo mumbled.
"I saw Iwaizumi knocking on Oikawa's door this morning but that's about it."
Asahi explained.
"Did Oikawa ever come out?"
I asked trying to see who was completely absent other than Kenma and Tsukishima.
"No, no he didn't."
Asahi said now realizing what this could mean.
Finally, Kageyama came through the door.
"Where is everyone?"
He asked dumb founded.
"We're just as confused."
Kuroo told Kageyama.
"Should we spilt up and look for them?"
Kuroo asked.

"Wh-What if one of us or them are the traitor.. And if we split up they'll.. Kill us!"
Asahi stuttered nervously shaking.
"Right, I'll stick with Kageyama and you two stay together."
I told them.
They all nodded and we walked out searching for Tsukishima, Kenma, and Oikawa, as well as Iwaizumi.
"Kenma? Tsukishima?"
I called out as we split up from Asahi and Kuroo.
"Oikawa? Iwa-
"Let's go check the gym."
Kageyama suggested.
I nodded and we ran over.
I checked the incinerator while Kageyama checked the trash bin.


We looked inside the storage closet and all around the empty quiet gym and still, nothing.
Our footsteps echoed in the gym as we walked out.
We went back inside and just we did we saw Iwaizumi passing us.
He stopped and we stopped all turning around.
"Are you okay?"
I asked him.
"Yeah, but where is everyone?"
Iwaizumi questioned.
"We're all looking for Kenma, you, Tsukishima, and Oikawa!"
Kageyama said crossing his arms.

"That idiot won't open his door.. Last night we.. Kissed. I think he's just being a big baby about it."
Iwaizumi said looking away embarrassed.
"But why would everyone else be missing?"
I questioned.
"I.. Don't know.."
He mumbled seemingly worried.
Just then we heard someone yell.


It was Kuroo's voice for sure with Asahi's screams side by side.
We all ran over where the yells came from and stumbled upon the library.
We looked down to see Kenma on the floor.
It looked as though he was breathing.
We looked up to see one of the library's bookshelves tilted, Kageyama moved it revealing a secret room.
A secret room only the traitor would know about most likely.
Once we looked inside nothing could take back what we saw.

Oikawa lied still on the floor.


I watched as Iwaizumi ran over to Oikawa.
He then rolled him over yelling his name and suddenly
I realized-

-he was dead.

He wasn't breathing nor moving.
He didn't look like Kenma or Kageyama who looked peaceful when they slept.
Oikawa just looked.. Dead.
There were computers and monitors in the room as well.. Whoever was working in here was watching us!

With that my body just gave out.

My legs failed me and my face was met with the hard floor.
I heard my name being called but I couldn't bring myself to call back.
I chose to stay on the ground.
I gave up.
I couldn't take it anymore.
I just needed some rest.
More rest.
Or maybe I just didn't want to face the fact that there was yet another victim.
Another one of us is the killer.

My mind was running but it wasn't on anything about what I had just seen, no, instead it was anything but what I had seen.

Why couldn't we just stay like that, Kageyama?

Why couldn't we just not come out and be only with ourselves..?

A Traitor's Work

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