Chapter 8

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Goldenshine's POV

In the distance, I could just barely see the shimmering lake, lit to the point of being able to blind a cat because of the brightness of the sun. Not only was the sun's light and warmth falling onto the lake, but it thankfully was warm against my own back as I stood in the shaded training hollow.

Rosepetal, Cherrypaw, Molepaw and I had only just begun our battle training session, but the two apprentices made teaching so easy, I felt as if we had accomplished so much already.

Swiftflight, who was watching our session was settled down in the hollow just a few tail-lengths away. He had emerged into the hollow soon after we had, and explained that Firestar had wanted some of the new warriors to watch mentors train their apprentices.

Currently, the dark gray warrior was watching, intrigued and amused, as Molepaw attempted the half-turn belly rake. The brown and cream tom had made his way to Cherrypaw's underbelly, where he proceeded to paw at it lightly with sheathed claws.

I exchanged an impressed, satisfied glance with Rosepetal as he then swiftly rolled over and leaped back onto all fours. "How was that?" he asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

"As close to perfection as you could get, Molepaw," Rosepetal immediately commented, padding up to give her apprentice a light flick on the ear with her tail. "Great job!"

I met the young tom's gaze and gave him an approving nod. "Looked great from over here, too!" I praised to Molepaw, then glancing over at where Cherrypaw was sitting patiently, her eyes glowing with pride for her brother. "Alright, Cherrypaw - are you ready to try it?"

Cherrypaw's eyes managed to light up even more as she gave me an eager nod. "Of course I am!" she exclaimed as she did a few quick hops of exhilaration.

Swiftflight let out a quiet purr of amusement from his spot at the side of the hollow.

I looked back at my son and met his humored gaze for a moment before returning to Cherrypaw. "Alright, knock yourself out!" I meowed encouragingly to my apprentice. When Cherrypaw flashed me a half-humored, half-confused look, I recanted my words. "Well... you know, don't do that."

Cherrypaw purred as she gave me another eager nod. "Got it!" the ginger she-cat exclaimed. She then crouched down low, and I wasn't surprised to see that she had seemed to take a quick, nervous glance at Swiftflight before she finally burst forward.

I let out another sniff at this. Swiftflight willingly watching apprentice training is amazing to me. He's already come so far... I thought to myself, but I do wonder if it was a good idea for him to be around Cherrypaw... and Cherrypaw to be around him? It might be a distraction. Based on what I knew - Cherrypaw showing some clear admiration for my son, I had been prepared to snap her back into focus if needed.

But luckily, Swiftflight's presence didn't seem to be messing with Cherrypaw much at all. I watched as she quickly and confidently went low to the ground, rolled over and then slipped under Molepaw's belly. She repeated the move as her brother had done it, her amber eyes determined.

She then attempted to roll out from under him, and I felt my tail twitch and my eyes narrow as she seemed to slip and stand back up awkwardly.

Once she had found her footing, she let out a frustrated huff and shook out her fur. "Foxdung!" she cursed, sounding more disappointed in herself than angry. "I have a bit of trouble getting back up on my paws after the belly slash."

I purred with amusement. Cherrypaw was acting as regretful as if she had let an intruder get away, or had lost a piece of prey. "That's alright!" I meowed kindly, instantly wanting to reassure my apprentice. I padded up to her and gave her a quick lick on the ear. "Otherwise, you did it perfectly. We'll just work on that one piece!"

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