Bonus Scenes?

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Hello, hello, lovely readers!

I'm already popping back in here! Miss me? Haha.

First off, I must thank you all again for all of your amazing support on my finishing this book just earlier this week. You all are so gosh darn sweet!

So, long ago in my Author's Note (in the previous part of this book, haha), I mentioned that I would most DEFINITELY be writing more with Lilypetal, Goldenshine, Swiftflight and others in the near future. And that remains most definitely true...


There's another SOONER writing project that's been brewing in my mind...

If you all have read any of the most recent books in the Warrior Cats series, you might be familiar with the bonus scenes that are included if you buy the book from Barnes and Noble (I think that's the only way you get those?).

They're basically little short stories put at the end of a Warriors book, and they're usually about 1-2 chapters! For example - the bonus scene after "The Apprentice's Quest" was Squirrelflight's coping with the idea of having kits, and the bonus scene for "Darkest Night" was Bumblestripe making advances on Dovewing, because... Bumblestripe.

And I've been thinking... as a sort-of celebration to finishing off my series, what if I added a bonus scene after each one of my books in my arc? I've already been getting writing withdrawals, so it is DEFINITELY something that I'd want to do very soon!

These bonus scenes would still involve my canon series + my OCS universe, as my six books do, and could maybe show "exclusive" content almost - parts/moments of my series that weren't actually written out, or were only briefly mentioned, if that makes sense! For instance - how Oreo met his she-cat that keepings being brought up... hehe.

I already have a couple of ideas for bonus scenes in mind, but if you all have a suggestion for a bonus scene you might like to see, feel free to let me know in any form that you'd like (in the comments, PMs, etc)!

The bonus scene could be from any of my character's POVs - even someone as major as Lilypetal or Swiftflight again! Whatever you'd like to read about, and whatever you're curious about involving parts of this fanfiction series and these characters, feel free to let me know, and I'll definitely consider writing it as one of the bonus scenes! Since I have six books in this series, and each book will have one bonus scene, that means that there will be six in all!

I think that this would be SUPER fun, and I hope that you all think the same! I know that I, along with many of you, were sad to see this series end, and I know that this is most definitely appeasing me, haha! <3

But anyway,

~ may StarClan light your path ~

- warriorcatlover345

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