Chapter 26

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Lilypetal's POV

Everything was going as planned. At least, that is what I was trying to tell myself over and over.

Although many, many of my fellow Clanmates had just had their eyes opened earlier in the day, I had anticipated this, unfortunately, for many moons now.

In those many moons, I had almost hoped that all of the subtle hints that Ashfur had dropped, all of those huge, heavy threats that he had thrown at me could have all been empty ones. Firestar's announcement to his Clan had obviously proved that this wasn't the case at all.

And, for some reason, it almost gave me a sense of relief.

While the anticipation had been scary – utterly terrifying, it was bringing an opportunity for something absolutely wonderful to happen. Well... wonderful for one cat, and not another.

It was all coming together.

And although it had been a long time coming for me, it still felt as if there wasn't enough time to plan. I couldn't even begin to describe the amount of panic I'd felt as soon as the words "Dark Forest" had slid out of my leader's jaws. I need to act fast, I thought urgently each time I recalled my plan. Really fast. I must do it before the Dark Forest cats even arrive!

These thoughts were practically spiraling inside of my head, thrashing around like a hummingbird trapped inside of my skull as I stood alone in the ThunderClan forest, waiting for the rest of my family to arrive.

This meeting that Goldenshine had initiated was obviously something much more current, but I was awaiting it just as anxiously as I had been for the announcement of the Dark Forest's arrival. This is either going to go very, very well, or we'll end it feeling just as apprehensive and unsure as we were before... I thought as I shifted uncomfortably in my spot. Or StarClan forbid, end it with every cat wanting to shred my fur apart...

I had only been waiting for what felt like a few heartbeats when I heard some quiet stirring come from some bramble bushes up ahead. I flicked my ears and quickly shifted my gaze, immediately recognizing Swiftflight as he stealthily slid through the shrubs, the blazing bright setting sun reflecting against his sleek pelt.

His eyes seemed to flash with surprise as his gaze fell on me. "Lilypetal!" he breathed as he made his way into the clearing. "Hi."

I gave the younger tom a nod and lashed my tail in greeting. "Hi, Swiftflight!" I meowed kindly to my kin, a bit of laughter in my voice as I scanned my eyes around the forest. "Seems that we're the most punctual of the family!"

"I suppose so," Swiftflight replied curtly, sitting down and wrapping his tail around his paws. "I'm surprised that I was able to get away so easily, if I'm being honest."

"Oh, yeah?" I purred, giving the tom a teasing, inquiring look. "Brambleclaw and Firestar sure have you busy, huh?"

Swiftflight let out a long sigh in reply. "Yes," he breathed, his voice revealing a bit of exasperation, for whatever reason. "Really, really busy."

I tried to hide my curiosity as I observed the tom's seemingly tense, very stressed demeanor. He was sitting perfectly still, yet it appeared as if he had all the energy to leap to the top of a tree with one jump. "Well, I suppose that's what you get for deciding to be so truthful!" I tried to meow lightheartedly, referring to his choice of revealing his Dark Forest past to ThunderClan. "But the fact that they trust you with all of this is really, really great."

I then took a step closer to the dark gray tom, attempting to search his gaze that was slightly hidden as he looked off to the side. I then flashed him a concerned look as I murmured, "Or... at least, I'd hope?"

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