Chapter 1

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Lilypetal's POV


My eyes shot open, and I flinched with alarm at the loud noise that had woken me up. What in the name of StarClan was that?

I quickly lifted my head and scanned the area, and nearly hissed as I almost immediately noticed the Twoleg looming over my... cat bed?

I barely paid the Twoleg any mind as it then started to pet me; I was too busy trying to contain my confusion and shock. This again? I thought irritably as my Twoleg's clammy, furless paw finally pulled away from me and I was able to stand up.

I let out a long sigh, my paws suddenly not feeling comfortable or familiar pressed on the cold, hard ground as I padded up to my pink food bowl and bent down to eat. I didn't want to, not one bit. But I was dreaming, I knew it. Although I knew I had full control of my actions, I felt like I was being tugged every which way at the same time.

Which means that I have to eat these StarClan-cursed pellets again, I thought humoredly, forcing down my last mouthful. I shook my head almost as a coping mechanism to get through the horrid taste. Even if Clan life hadn't ended up being for me, their meals never cease to fail.

I then continued to try to ignore my tugging bewilderment as I began to wander around the kitchen - the room I had stayed in most as a kittypet because it was nearest to the back door that led outside.

So, when I noticed the large hindpaws of one of my Twolegs begin to travel towards the door, I couldn't help but jump up with excitement and lightly bat at them with my paws. Please, please, you furless giant! Open that darned door! I begged in my mind. Let me out of here!

Something I had actually respected about my Twolegs was the fact that they actually had the ability to take a hint. After the Twoleg gave me one last stroke on my head with one of their paws, I heard the click of the doorknob, and I nearly cried out with triumph as I saw daylight through the crack of the wooden plank.

I slithered through the door and outside as quickly as I could, so thankful to feel the softness of grass beneath my paws again. But after a few heartbeats, I let out an exasperated sigh and looked back at the now-closed door. I had never thought that I'd see the day where I'd have to make that escape again.

I then urgently began to trot through the yard until I made it to the tall white fence, something that actually gave me a bit of ease. It was my means of escape, that's why.

I let out a small purr before leaping up and swiftly landing at the top of the fence. If anything was going to get me through this dream, it would be at least one glance out into the forest.

But as soon as I was able to process what was in front of me, my stomach twisted up into a knot.

I had expected to see a forest, and a forest I got... but it wasn't the bright, striking, beautiful, seemingly never-ending forest that I had always known.

It was almost as if this forest represented the cutoff between night and day; It was perfectly sunny and warm from where I sat on the fence, but out in the forest it was dark. Very dark. It was almost as if sunlight was forbidden to bleed through its trees. Creepy... really, really creepy.

It was ominous, that's for sure. But nevertheless, my curiosity got the best of me, and I leaped down onto the other side of the fence and began to pad ahead without one look back at my Twoleg nest.

The forest was even more dreadful and unsettling from the inside than it had appeared from the outside. It did appear as if it was nighttime here, but there weren't any stars or moon in sight. All of the grass around was dry and dead, and all of the brambles seemed to carry large, sharp thorns. Not one creature was in sight.

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