Chapter 9

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Swiftflight's POV

Even though it had now been several moments since I had been in one-on-one combat with the horrible vixen, my heart was still beating as if I still was in the middle of the action.

Nothing would beat the feeling that had run through my body when I pinned Ashfur to the ground and yowled in his face that I never wanted to see his sorry pelt again, but this was definitely a close second. This was the most exhilarated I had felt since then.

If I had the ability to go back in time and tell myself as a kit that I was going to do what I had just done - leaped into a fight with a fox, not even with a twinge of reluctance or hesitation - I wouldn't have believed myself. I would have surely been killed if Goldenshine and her patrol hadn't been there to save me...

This latest experience had almost given me a sense of closure. Facing off with a fox didn't have to be something that was scary or traumatizing anymore, and now I knew that.

And if that wasn't enough, my own personal redemption had also come with a reputation of saving my Clanmates (hopefully). That was something that I would have done for only selfish reasons even just days ago, if I would have even done it at all.

But this had been a no-brainer. Cherrypaw's yowl was enough to cause me to bolt across the forest. She surely would have been killed if I hadn't jumped in when I did, I thought fearfully, not even being able to stand the thought of the fox getting anywhere near the ginger she-cat. Great StarClan, if it had laid even one claw on her-

I then cut off my own thoughts as I shook my head and let out a hiss. And Molepaw too, I told myself impatiently. You keep forgetting that there were two cats in danger here, Swiftflight!

I had already confirmed with myself several times that the two apprentices had gotten out of this squabble injury-free, yet I had already lost count of how many times I had glanced back at them since we had begun our travel back to camp after the attack.

I had barely been able to help it, but my eyes would always fall firstly to Cherrypaw. And as my gaze fell on her yet another time as we made our way back to ThunderClan, I suddenly found myself slowing my pace so that Goldenshine was taking the lead.

Eventually, I was walking side by side with Cherrypaw, with Molepaw on her other side. "Um... are you sure you're alright? You're not hurt?" I pressed to the ginger she-cat as my gaze met hers. I then blinked, shocked by the eagerness and desperation in my own voice.

I then cleared my throat, embarrassed, and then shifted my gaze to the ground. "Because... I mean, the more injuries that there are to deal with, the crankier Jayfeather will be, I'm sure."

Cherrypaw let out a quiet purr of amusement as she looked down at me. "Yes, Swiftflight. I'm alright!" she reassured me. And after I let out an internal sigh of relief, Cherrypaw went on. "You got to us before it could lay a claw on either of our pelts... even though I'd definitely give it a scratch to remember if you hadn't!" She then lifted a single unsheathed paw up in the air as her eyes gleamed with humor and determination.

I then couldn't help but purr with amusement, and I looked back up at the apprentice to see that her big amber eyes were now glowing with concern. "What about you?" she asked worriedly as she then began to scan over my pelt. "Are you okay? Did it hurt you?"

I immediately shook my head quickly and covered my own scratches with my tail. My own injuries were honestly the last thing on my mind. "Great StarClan, nevermind that. I'm pretty sure I have a couple of scratches," I reassured Cherrypaw. "And I would have gladly received more if that meant I was getting that fox away from you." I then broke Cherrypaw's gaze and cleared my throat again. "You two, I mean."

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