Chapter 18

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Goldenshine's POV

I had the strangest moment of recollection, almost feeling like an apprentice running unknowingly into the tunnels once again, as I leapt into darkness. I had genuinely never thought then that I'd ever set a single paw down in these caves ever again, let alone for a battle at that!

Once I knew I had arrived to the open space, I immediately swerved to the side once my paws had settled onto the cold floor, allowing the battle patrol that was behind me to get through.

I then watched, trying my hardest to suppress nerves, as Dovewing, Ivypool, Sandstorm and Berrynose filed in. With each new cat that came into sight, the closer I knew we were to having to fight our opponents. Come on, you've spent an entire night in these tunnels before, I told myself as an attempt to keep calm. This is exactly the same, except that there are more cats. And you have to fight some of them...

I then sprung back up to my paws, ignoring the anxious pang in my stomach as Hollyleaf then burst through the tunnel. The fluffy black she-cat had taken up the rear, and was to be the last one to enter the tunnel.

Every cat has gotten into the cave, I realized. We're ready now.

I took a deep breath, shook out my fur, and finally turned my head to look beyond where I had just come from. And honestly, purring with amusement was the last thing that I thought I'd do looking back at the WindClan cats... but I did. It was already abundantly clear that they hadn't done any training in these caves at all, at least not to the caliber that we had.

They all looked incredibly uncoordinated, lost and confused - as if they had all been blinded, and their paws had each been replaced with boulders.

And luckily, they already seemed to be carrying some ThunderClan-inflicted wounds.

My fur was beginning to tingle with eagerness and excitement now. I turned to Hollyleaf and gave her a small nudge as I met her green gaze. "Ready?"

I could clearly see the she-cat's sharp nod, even through the darkness. She then slowly crouched down as she muttered through gritted teeth, "Let's show these rabbit chasers who's boss."

After the two of us exchanged a determined glance, we then beckoned our patrol forward in order to begin advancing on the WindClan cats in front of us. I immediately recognized who I remembered to be Whiskernose, Weaselfur, Harespring, Heathertail, Furzepelt...

And then there was Breezepelt, standing at the front. His amber eyes seemed to be blazing like fire through the darkness. And even though I couldn't see it, I was sure that his black fur was probably bristled out.

A chill actually ran down my spine at the sight of this tom that I had once called my mate. Seeing his behavior with our conversation out in the forest had been shocking and unnerving enough, but seeing him in the midst of a battle felt even more so. I almost wanted to fly back to the past and give young-warrior Goldenshine a smack on the head with a stick. A really big stick.

I then tried with all of my might not to step back as Breezepelt and I locked gazes for just a moment. I broke away as quickly as I could and focused on Hollyleaf, who was making her way to the front of our ThunderClan patrol next to me.

"End this now," she demanded to the WindClan cats through gritted teeth. "You cannot win."

I then nearly flinched as Breezepelt spoke, his voice an enraged growl. "Mange-pelts!" he called out, taking a pawstep closer to our patrol. "You tormented Sol!"

"We did no such thing!" Dovewing hissed back as she ran up to stand on Hollyleaf's other side. "We invited Sol into our camp. It was your leader who wanted him chased off."

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