Chapter 39

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Goldenshine's POV

I was completely and utterly speechless. I felt dizzy and ready to collapse all over again.

I was almost sure that my eyes were playing tricks on me, that maybe my grief at Snowstorm's death, and the loss of Snowflight's spirit was forming exactly what I wanted to see into my own head.

But just as I'd been able to see when Snowflight's spirit had first attempted to escape from Snowstorm's body just moments ago, the shocked expressions, and astonished whispers of my Clanmates around me revealed that that was not the case.

Snowflight had returned.

For several moments, all I could do was stare back at the white she-cat's figure as the bits of stars and the bright light continued to disappear from around her, and her form seemed to become less and less faded.

And because of that, I hardly heard Swiftflight's pawsteps, and only realized that he was behind me when he spoke. "Goldenshine..." he whispered to me, slowly padding up to me so that our fur brushed. "...that's not Snowstorm, is it?"

I slowly began to shake my head, my eyes welling up with emotion, and a purr beginning to rise in my throat as what was happening, this wonderful, too good to be true, thing that was happening, finally began to set in. "No, Swiftflight. It's not..." I whispered back to him, my voice thick with emotion as I then watched the spirit slowly turn around to face me.

And then, my heart seemed to physically grow as I met her gaze. "That's my sister."

Snowflight stared right back at me, looking at me with the same warm, caring look that she always did through her ice-blue eyes, despite the cold, harsh season that they reflected.

And she spoke in the same gentle, sweet voice too. "And that's my sister," she meowed, fully turning around to face me. "Hi, Goldenshine."

I actually let out a snort of amusement at Snowflight's words. "Hi? Is that all you've got?" I purred, my voice still hoarse with all of these overwhelming, immensely wonderful things that I was feeling.

I then found that I couldn't stay in my place another moment, beginning to trot forward towards Snowflight as nimbly and energetically as a kit. "Come here, you clump of fluff!"

Snowflight's blue eyes brightened, and a loud purr erupted from her throat as she burst ahead to meet me. "You don't have to tell me twice, you bossy furball!"

I then couldn't hold back the liquid that had been welling up in my eyes as I pressed my fur against my sister's, and she pressed her own head against mine. "You're here," I practically whimpered.

I then pulled away, desperate to look into my sister's eyes again. "You're actually here. I..." My voice then broke, and I found that I was too emotional to speak.

Snowflight purred with amusement, her eyes also glossed over as they glowed with affection. "Well, my goodness, my arrival must be sort of a big deal," she murmured as she continued to purr. "I don't know if I've ever seen you fall speechless!"

I let out a gasp, pretending to be offended as I gave Snowflight a light bat over the ear with a sheathed paw. "Oh, hush!" I exclaimed to her, my voice full of laughter. "All you do is fall speechless!"

The two of us then burst into laughter, the laughter then turning into emotional purrs all over again as we bent our heads together a second time.

And in that very moment, my heart was filled with so much ease and happiness that I could barely stand it. Just as my grief and sadness from just moments had felt unmatched, this amount of joy had definitely, definitely felt like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Snowflight and I are together once more... something that, just heartbeats ago, I thought wouldn't get to happen ever, ever again.

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