Chapter 19

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Swiftflight's POV

I tried to stay as still as possible as I watched Leafpool, who was currently serving as ThunderClan's medicine cat, carefully apply a poultice to a nasty wound on my flank.

It had now been a couple of days since the battle between ThunderClan and WindClan, but unfortunately I was still needing to come to the medicine den so that I could receive some marigold to prevent infection, and a poultice to ensure that that would happen.

I would have willingly received treatment from any medicine cat, but I had to admit that Leafpool was definitely a breath of fresh air. While Jayfeather was a brilliant medicine cat, it was kind of nice not having to walk into the medicine den this frequently and hear something like, "Oh, it's you again. Let's get this over with".

And although I'd been complying with Leafpool's commands to come in every day and have a new poultice applied to my wound, the pain of it honestly hadn't been bothering me much at all. The excitement of the battle, the adrenaline rushes that I had felt, felt as if they hadn't faltered.

It was the first time that I'd ever fought in a battle that wasn't me just trying to prove that I was a strong fighter, or to prove that I was better and more skilled than my opponents. I'd truly fought to defend my Clanmates, and getting to be the one who had told off Sol and sent him off for good had only been an amazing bonus. And I got the last laugh! I thought triumphantly. If I ever see that sick, lazy calico tom ever again, it will be too soon. And I'm sure I'm not the first to say that. I hope that I'm not.

There was only one part of the battle that I wished I could completely wipe from my memory. I mean, no cat wants to watch their mother and father fighting, I thought as I relived the situation in my mind - Breezepelt as he had pounced at Goldenshine, pinning her to the ground with nothing but malice and hostility in his eyes. And they are from different Clans... but no cat should attack another in the way that Breezepelt did.

I almost felt dizzy every time I thought about it, and what I knew about my father. From what I had seen in the Dark Forest, and what the Dark Forest cats were attempting to put into his head, he was deep into the trap that I had once fallen into.

And I could be sure, that had I stayed in the Dark Forest, I would have turned out exactly like him. It was sickening to think that I had come so close.

I guess I'm not like many young tom cats, wanting to be just like their father, I joked to myself, letting out an amused snort that Leafpool probably wouldn't hear.

I then turned to look at the she-cat as she stepped back and gave a lash of her tail. "Alright, Swiftflight. You're good to go," she meowed kindly. "Remember - make sure to take it easy. You not only want that poultice to be able to dry, but you want that wound to be able to heal as quickly as possible."

I stood up and gave the former medicine cat an appreciative nod. "Will do. Thank you, Leafpool. I..." I then trailed off of my words, suddenly feeling extremely uncomfortable as I quickly realized that Leafpool was staring at me - her amber eyes dark, but thoughtful. She didn't even seem to care that I had noticed. "Um... is something wrong?"

With those words, the light tabby she-cat's eyes widened, and she shook her head quickly as if to bring herself back to focus. "No," she replied surprisingly sharply, breaking her gaze from mine. "No, Swiftflight. Sorry."

I briefly flashed Leafpool a look of concern. "That's alright..." I breathed, then beginning leave the den. "Thanks again."

I then fully faced forward, a twinge of curiosity tugging at me. Weird... I thought as I crawled through the bramble screen and out into the open. But Leafpool has been busy since taking over for Jayfeather; surely she'd have a couple of moments where she drifts off.

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