Éomer - My Badass Wife

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BLURB with prompt 6 and 29 (for my 500 followers sleepover on Tumblr)

6: Stop being grumpy, it's lame
29: How is my wife more badass than me?


"Éomer, wait!" you yelled, still wiping the tears out of your eyes. It had been a long time since you'd laughed so hard.

Éomer didn't listen, and kept walking towards the armory. Well, stalking was maybe a better word to describe it. You ran after him, trying to keep your grin off your face. You failed horribly.

"Stop being grumpy, it's lame!"

"Oh, so now I'm lame?" he grumbled, tossing his weapons aside.

"Yes! And you're a sore loser," you teased. You let your quiver slide off your shoulder and refilled it with arrows until there was no room left for another one.

"That's because you cheated!"

You gasped. "I did not, and you know it!"

Éomer and you had been training together, he with his sword and knives, you with your trusty bow and arrows. There had been a discussion which kind of weapon would be more effective in battle, each of you convinced it was your own weapon of choice.

It didn't take long for the both of you to set up a small competition, each getting three turns to hit a target.

It wasn't a surprise to you that you had won... much to the annoyance of Éomer.

He grabbed you by your upper arms and pushed you against a wooden pillar, his face inches away from yours.

"You... cheated!" he hissed, his eyes dark.

You rolled your eyes and smirked. "Can't you just admit that you lost?"

His lips were ghosting yours, but he made sure they didn't touch. Not yet.

"You shot my knife off its course. It would've hit the target dead center like the two times before, if you hadn't been so keen on sabotaging me."

You smiled, your eyes getting that mischievous glint it did every time one of your plans worked out.

"Now tell me... how is my wife more badass than me?"

You pushed him away, breaking the tension between the two of you.

"You want the short or the long version?"

A laugh escaped your throat, but it turned into a groan when Éomer pushed his chest into against yours, his knee between your legs.

He placed featherlight kisses on your neck, slowly making his way towards your shoulder, grinning when he heard you take a sharp breath.

"I will give you a long version alright..."

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