Fíli - One Morning in Laketwon

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Fíli x Dwarf!OC Tullaina

Summary: Tullaina is cold. Kíli thinks this is the perfect opportunity to help his brother out. At least, that's the plan.

Warnings: this isn't smutty 18+, but there is some morning excitement going on with Fíli, so keep that in mind!


Laketown was grey, wet and cold. Even though the bowman had warned them it wasn't a comfortable place to be, Tullaina had expected something a little more... dry.

The smell of rotted wood and mold hung heavy in the air as they settled in his living room, irritating her nose and throat and keeping her from taking deep breaths.

But Bard's house was a safe haven, at least for now, a chance to catch their breaths, fill their bellies and dry their clothes, so she shouldn't really complain.

A warm and hearty dinner made the Company's good spirits return, and with the mountain now within their reach and their strengths returned through food and rest, the room was filled with excited chatter and laughter.

Tullaina sat with her back against the wall, knees pulled up to her chest and a knitted blanket thrown around her shoulders, watching their merrymaking with tired eyes.

Sigrid had suggested she'd sleep in her room, thinking she could use a little privacy away from her male companions, but Tullaina had politely declined. After what happened in Mirkwood, there was no way Thorin, Fíli, Kíli or any other member of the Company would let her out of their sight, not even for one second. And she felt the exact same way.

As the night progressed, one by one the Dwarves laid down to rest on the hard wooden floor, using the provided blankets and throws and whatever they could find to sleep on. Tullaina quickly followed their example, absolutely exhausted after their escape from the Mirkwood dungeons and travelling to Laketown, with Fíli and Kíli joining her not long after.

But sleep didn't came as easily as she would have wanted. Despite the room being packed with Dwarves and a Hobbit and a still smouldering fire in the fireplace, she couldn't seem to get warm. The humid air and the cold had crept into her tired bones, her toes were numb and every inch of skin was prickled with goosebumps. She couldn't stop shivering, no matter what position she tried to sleep in.

After what seemed like hours of endless tossing and turning, Tullaina rolled onto her side, double-downed and clenched her eyes shut, wishing for warmth and sleep to come at last.

"Everything alright?" Fíli whispered, having noticed her shivering form. He was careful to keep his voice down, not wanting to wake up any of the others. But judging by their loud snoring, it would take a lot more than a hushed conversation to wake them up.

Tullaina pulled the knitted blanket a little tighter around her, and nodded. "Jus' c-cold, is all."

Fíli reached out and covered the hand that clutched her blanket, easily enveloping it in his own. "Mahal, you're freezing!"

On her other side, Kíli turned around so he could face them. "You want my blanket?"

"N-no Kíli, I swear I'm f-f-fine. You need your own b-blanket."

"Tulls, you're clearly not fine, I can feel you shaking. Are your clothes dry enough?" Fíli asked, patting down the blanket to see if it turned damp. "Seems okay to me."

"I told you I'm f-f-fine, Dwarves are warmblooded, I'll warm up eventually," she tried to reassure them. If only her teeth would stop chattering so she could actually try to get some sleep...

"That's it!" Kíli yelled, immediately shushed by his brother, "don't give me that look Fee, no one heard me. But Tulls is right, we are warmblooded. That's what she needs, body warmth!"

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