Legolas - Gentlemen in Distress

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Legolas x reader x Fellowship

Requested: Yes! Galileostyles asked "hey i love your writing so much ❤️ could you do a legolas x reader x fellowship where they see you fighting for the first time at the mines of moria and feel bad for underestimating you. thanks ❤️"

Warnings: men being men

A/N: This was harder than I thought! I wrote it a first time last week but then I realized it was too similar to an upcoming chapter of 'Perfect Secrets', so I had to delete and start all over again. Enjoy and let me know what you think! I live for comments/reblogs :)

The fellowship halted before the gates of Moria.

You were relieved to be out of the snow, but dreaded the upcoming journey through Moria.

You knew why Gandalf hesitated to go through them, shivering at the thought of what could happen.

Legolas' eyes met yours, but he looked the other way when he saw you staring back. You rolled your eyes, knowing you had to have a serious word with your beloved Elf.

While Gandalf tried to figure out how to crack the password after two unsuccesful attempts, you made your way towards Legolas. It felt like days since you two spoke to each other.

He didn't look up when you sat down next to him. You sighed, kicking the sand with the heel of your boot.

"Are you still cross with me?" you asked, already knowing the answer.

He pursed his lips, as if he was actually considering it. But then he rose to his feet and went to Aragorn and Sam.

"Guess that's a yes," you muttered.

Merry and Pippin let themself drop down at your feet. You heard Gandalf yelling at poor Pippin a few moments before and he still looked a bit shaken.

"Still mad at you?" Merry asked. You nodded.

"He has every right to be, my lady," Boromir interrupted. You didn't know he had been eavesdropping.

"And why is that?" you asked him.

"This journey is no place for a woman. When we fight, we do not have the time to protect you as well. He only wants to keep you safe."

You rolled your eyes again.

"How many times do I have to say that I can take care of myself? I know how to fight!"

"Training or taking part in a battle is not the same thing. If you were mine, I would have tied you to a chair to make sure you didn't join us."

"That's why 'if' is the keyword, Boromir," you reminded him.

You could hear Frodo shout something, and the doors to Moria finally opened.

Everyone got to their feet and entered the mines.

Legolas made his way up front with Gandalf and Frodo, while you lingered towards the back of the group. If he wanted to ignore you, so be it. You wouldn't fret about it anymore. He'll come around eventually.

The reason of your falling out was quite simple. Legolas had forbidden you to go along on the journey, after you volunteered at the Council of Elrond, following his example.

Yes, that's right. He forbade you. Like you were his property.
Not that he could have convinced you not to go, but you might have listened to reason. But as soon as he said that damned word, your mind was set. You were going, even if that meant you had to end your relationship because of it.

And ever since you left Rivendell with the fellowship, Legolas had given you the cold shoulder. He hardly talked to you and chose to walk alongside everyone but you.

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