Kíli - Stalker

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Kíli x reader

Requested: Nope

Warnings: mentions of a fight, stalker things, bad writing because I was rushing

A/N: I don't know what I was thinking... but here is a silly Kíli fic.
I reposted this a couple of times because it didn't show up in the tags at first. I apologize to my followers for the "Stalker"-spamming (although it fits the theme, doesn't it :))

"You did not!" you gasped, looking up from your book and staring at your other half.
Kíli just stood there, silently pleading with his eyes for you to let this go but you weren't going to. Not this time.
He couldn't say he didn't expect this reaction.

"Kíli, you already had a council meeting today and every day for the last three weeks! Can't you sit this one out? You promised!" you complained.
You had every reason to complain; he and his brother, uncle and some members of the company had been trying to renew trade agreements and other important things with nearby kingdoms for the last couple of weeks.
They weren't going according to plan and he spent more time in the royal halls than he did with you. You understood how important this was for him, and that he had to be there as the Prince of Erebor but weren't you important too?

To make it up to you, Kíli promised you'd have a quiet evening tonight, just the two of you. But you guessed those plans were cancelled now...
"I know, amrâlimê. Trust me, I know and I'm truly sorry... But you know how uncle gets when these things don't go as planned. Dain isn't cooperating at all, they're both so stubborn! Fíli is trying really hard to compromise but you know he can't do anything without me there," he smiled trying to lighten the mood.

You huffed. You knew you were acting a little childish, but you had been looking forward to a night to yourselves.
"It's just... I stayed in Erebor so I could be with you but you're never here. I think I spent more time in these chambers by myself than I got to spend time with you!"
Your eyes traveled back to the pages of your book.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you are avoiding me..."
Now it was Kíli's turn to scoff, and he went through his hair with both hands. An obvious sign he was starting to get frustrated.
"Now you are overreacting, Y/N. You know I love you more than anything and I love spending time with you. But we had some problems with the numbers and stocks, so uncle and Dain wanted to do another run through tonight. Just to make sure," he explained. "You can come if you want?"
You shook your head.
"No, thank you. I'll only be in your way and I wouldn't want them to think I am the controlling type."
He snorted. "Oh, don't worry, they already think that."
When he saw your eyes widen, he raised his hands.
"I'm joking! I'm joking! But I do have to go, amrâlimê. I really am sorry for tonight," he said.
He kissed your head and brushed his hand over your cheek.
"I promise I will make it up to you."
Before he closed the door to your chambers he said, "Don't wait up!"
Great... home alone. Again.

You looked outside the window into the dark night and sighed. It was well past midnight and still no Kíli.
Your thoughts began to take a turn for the worst and you started to feel a little homesick.
You left everyone in your hometown when you joined the quest all those months ago. Your friends, your family, ... back home you didn't have time to spare, you were always busy.
But here in Erebor you had way too much time on your hands. Especially since you were by yourself most of the time. Getting betrothed to a prince didn't help either.
You weren't allowed to go out by yourself – for your own safety according to Thorin – and everything was done for you by the maids.
You tried to help them at first by making the bed or doing the laundry yourself, but Kíli had explained to you that the maids considered this to be an insult. It gave them the idea you weren't happy with how they handled everything. So you had apologized profusely and let them do everything for you. Even though it went against everything you believed in.

If you were in your hometown right now, you'd probably go for your nightly walk. You found walking at night to be relaxing, almost comforting. No sounds, no people, ... just you and your thoughts and nature. But you couldn't do that here, could you?
You thought about it for a moment. And why shouldn't you?
You didn't know your way around Erebor and Dale that well, but you recalled a little path not far from the main gates that led to the Dale lands and forests. You went there once with Kíli so you could probably find it on your own, and get some much needed fresh air. When you get back, Kíli might have returned from his meeting.

You pulled on a coat and heavy boots and headed out the door. It was fairly easy to get out of Erebor without being seen. The guards at the front kept an eye on people trying to get in, not the other way around.
When you walked in the direction you thought the path was, an uneasy feeling came over you. As if someone was watching you.

You shrugged your shoulders, thinking your mind was playing tricks on you but you picked up your pace nonetheless. Now where was that path again...?
Just when you were about to give up, you spotted a small path that led you away from the Lonely Mountain, to a small forest.
It wasn't the path you were looking for, but it would have to do.

A sudden noise made you turn. You saw a silhouette walking a couple of feet behind you; dark clothes, hood, ... Everything about this figure screamed danger.
You quickly ran over the path and disappeared between the trees.
Why did you always have to do these things? What were you thinking going out alone? You ran your hands through your hair and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself.
But the noise of someone walking on the stone path made your head snap up.vYou cursed under your breath.
The hooded figure walked over the path in front of you and headed straight towards you.

You started running deeper into the forest and you heard their pace quicken as well.
Your daggers! You started tapping your thighs and chest before you realized you left them in your chambers in your rush to get out.
"Alright, Y/N, it's up to you then," you whispered. You could easily defend yourself, you'd fought in many wars before. But that was different, you had your weapons back then. Now it was dark and if they were armed, you had no chance.

You hid yourself behind some bushes and waited.
As soon as you got sight of your stalker, you flexed your muscles and got ready to jump out. They halted not far from you, close enough to hear a male voice say, "Where did she go?"
"Right here!" you yelled while launching yourself at him.
Although he was much heavier than you, he fell to the ground immediately.
You climbed on top of him and started punching with everything you got.
He tried to get you off of him, but you gave him no chance.

"Stop it!" he yelled. "Y/N, it's me!"
At the sound of your name, you froze. You quickly stood up and took a few steps away from him.
Your 'stalker' held a hand over his eye as he slowly stood up.
"Mahal, Y/N, you got a good right hand!"
"Kíli?!" you gasped. He threw his hood back and started laughing.
Now you could see his face and you felt instant relief and regret.
"Oh no, I am so sorry!" you said and you hugged him. He wrapped his arms around you and chuckled.
"Well, I can say I am feeling a little better now knowing that you can defend yourself when you're unarmed."

You looked at his face and touched his cheek with the back of your hand.
"It is already starting to swell. We should go back, I need to take care of this," you said.

By the time you got back to Erebor, his eye and a part of his left cheek was starting to bruise.
"I hope they're not going to be mad at me..." you said, scared of the reaction of Thorin and his brother.
"Nah, they wouldn't do that to you. What I'm afraid of is that they wouldn't let me hear the end of this. I got beat up by my own girl who is not much taller than a hobbit!"
You slapped his shoulder in protest.

"Then why did you follow me in the first place?" you asked.
"Are you kidding me? I was on my way back to you and I saw you leaving in the middle of the night! Of course I would follow you, something could've happened to you!"
"You worry about me?" you whispered. You weren't used to this kind of affection. Long story.
"Of course I do. Y/N, I love you! I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you!" Kíli said while he started stroking your hair.
"We should get some sleep, you probably have another meeting tomorrow..." you sighed.

He picked you up and walked through the silent hallways to your chambers. You looked at his face and started laughing.
"What?" he asked.
"You look like one of those pirates from Bilbo's stories!" you giggled when you looked at him and his black eye.
"Oh, I'll show you what this pirate can do, kurduwê!" he growled while kicking the door open with his foot.

A/N: I'll leave the rest to your imagination...

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