Chapter 1

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"Go. Draco, GO"
I watched the boy I loved walk away from it all, hand in hand with his mother, not knowing when or if I'd ever see him again. But one thing I did know, was that his heart would always and forever be mine.


Nothing about this felt normal. Standing on the platform I had stood on for so many years, feeling excited about another year at school doing what I love. Now, a year on from the war that tore the wizarding world apart, all I feel is pain. Empty. 

The first years are the only ones who felt any kind of joy. They hadn't seen what we had seen, hadn't been through what we had. What I would give to be one of them, my only worry being what house I would be sorted into.

My name is Victoria Greenwood and last year I fought in the Second Wizarding World War. It still feels weird to even say it. I fought in a war, yet I look nothing like a soldier. I'm just a young woman who has been through way too much for someone my age.

I looked on, as mothers and fathers hugged their children goodbye, telling them that they can't wait to see them again for the Christmas holidays. I didn't have anyone waving me off. After losing my mother and godfather in the battle, I officially had no family. It was just me now.

"Stupid isn't it, the ministry forcing us all to finish our last year" the familiar face of Ron Weasley was at my side, his owl bouncing about in its cage.

"Beyond stupid."

I didn't even want to get on the train. I wanted to run, as fast as my legs would take me, away from everything. But I'd already tried that, I'd tried running, with the boy I loved and still love now, there's only so far you can go before you have to face it.

I sat down, deflated, in the same carriage I always sat in, everything looked from the outside like normal, but the monster within us all was still raging. My scars hurt, they might as well be as fresh as the day they were carved into my skin forever. I absentmindedly traced my left forearm, where the dark lord himself had brandished me with his mark. It had faded, but it would never truly be gone, etched into my skin as a constant reminder of that night. 

"Does it still hurt? My scars still hurt sometimes too." Hermione Granger sat down next me, embracing me in a brief hug before pulling the sleeves of her jumper down to cover her scar, the one she was ashamed of, the words carved into her skin for eternity.

"Occasionally it burns, kind of like a sick reminder that he was here. Personally I think someone in Azkaban sits there and presses it just for fun."

"Did you hear Theodore Nott narrowly escaped being put in Azkaban for the rest of his life?" Harry Potter slid open the door to the compartment and I stood up to hug him, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"Missed you Tori, you been ok?" He asked, and all I could do was nod. I was lying, and he knew it, but if I started talking about it then I knew the emotion would come, and I was going to avoid that at all cost. "Me too" Harry whispered in my ear, giving my shoulder a soft squeeze as we pulled apart.

"Apparently there was a surprise witness at the trial, who changed the minister's mind. If it was up to me he'd be in there right now, rotting."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to relive old memories of Theodore Nott, the boy that posed as my friend to get me on his side, only for him to be the one to kill my mother, and to threaten me with my boyfriend's death if I didn't present myself to the dark lord.

I put off changing into my robes for as long as possible. Just the thought of seeing myself back in that uniform, back in my house colours, acting like the only thing I was worried about were quidditch and exams made me feel sick. That was the old me, the new me just wanted to get through this year as quickly as possible so I could never come back to this school again.

"Hey, it says in the Prophet that Lucius Malfoy has been released from Azkaban! He was only in there a year!" Hermione exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.

"Jesus, he was one of his biggest supporters" Ron said.

"His heart was never really in it" I said, looking out of the window at the trees rushing past.

"Have.....have you spoken to him? Draco?" Harry asked, all I could do was shake my head.

Draco Malfoy is the love of my life. Was. We were separated as a result of the battle, and after watching him walk away with his mother, I haven't seen him since. There have been signs of him everywhere, signs he still cares, but I've never had a response to a single one of my letters, and my heart still feels the familiar ache whenever I think of him. Which is all the time.

"Well, everyone had to come back so you're bound to see him."

I wasn't even sure I wanted to see him. I'm so used to not seeing him that just the thought of looking into his eyes again brings back the memories of last year, the memories that threaten to stop us ever rekindling what we had.

My stomach lurched as I saw the newly rebuilt towers of Hogwarts come into view, and we all looked at each other.

"Is it too late to change my mind?"

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