Chapter 37

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"Hello Greenwood."

"Care to explain what you've been up to? Leaving flowers at my mothers portrait when you know full well you're the reason she's dead?!"

"I can explain-"

"You've been leaving them at her grave too haven't you!"

"Still as clever as always Greenwood."

Rage boiled through my body as I met his eyes. What shocked me was that I didn't see the same eyes of the killer that took my mother from me, I saw eyes that were full of sadness and regret.

"Please, just tell me why Nott. If it's some kind of sick joke-"

"It's not. I promise. I've been doing because....because it's the only thing I can do. Nothing will bring her back but I want to keep her memory alive."

Looking at Theo made the rage melt away and I almost felt pity for him. He looked so sad, so...broken.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Every week since Christmas. I've- I've just been so racked with guilt, I'm not the person I used to be Tori please believe me. When you grow up being taught a certain way, it....changes you. I was a monster. Please understand."

In a way Theo reminded me of Draco. Born into life on the wrong side, with death eaters for parents, with all he ever knew was what his parents taught him. Draco changed, maybe there was a small chance Theo could too.

"I understand."

His eyes widened in shock as he stared at me.

"You do?!"


"I wouldn't have blamed you if you pushed me off this tower instead of understanding. I deserve it."

It's only when he mentioned the tower that I realised where we were stood. The astronomy tower. I hadn't been up here since the night of the battle, two whole years.

"I think, you were just a boy, who lost his mother at a young age and was full of anger about it, alongside having the death eater beliefs drilled into you, making you into someone you weren't. I can look into your eyes now and I don't see someone who's evil. I see a fucked up kid who made a mistake."

"How are you so being so chill about this? I did bad things Tori, I'm a monster, how are you so forgiving."

"You're not a monster. You wouldn't be standing here in front of me apologising if you were. Yeah you did a shit thing, but it takes a big person to face up to their mistakes."

"God you're just a little ball of forgiveness aren't you Tori." Theo leant against the wall, and I went to sit next to him.

"How do you stay so....positive?" He asked.

"A wise man once said that happiness can be found in the darkest of times, all you have to do is turn on the light."

"Dumbledore was a pretty wise guy, I'll give him that."

"Yeah....and then I pushed him off this very tower."

He chuckled.

"And if people can forgive you for doing that, then-"

"Then, yes, I forgive you Theo."

"You have no idea how much that means to me Tori. You know I'm going to carry on my studies after this year, I'm gonna find myself."

"Good. Because I can't wait to meet the real Theo. The one that doesn't use killing curses and kidnaps boyfriends to deliver them to Voldemort."

"I cant believe I did all that. I went mad with power."

"Shit happens. Hey roll up your sleeve."

He did as I said, showing me his mark. I rolled up my own sleeve, showing my almost faded mark.

"Yours is almost gone!"

"It's never going to fully go, but it's faded so much because I only really got the mark so he could get the wand, not because he wanted me to actually be a death eater. They say that it fades as the evil in your body fades. Yours is fading."

"I guess it is."

We were interrupted by Draco sprinting up the stairs, followed by Harry, Ron and George.

"Get the FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND NOTT!" He yelled as he lunged at Nott, Harry Ron and George all grabbing him in an attempt to hold him back.

"Draco, Draco, hey it's fine, it's all fine." He thrashed against the three boys, not taking his eyes off of Nott. I grabbed his face, turning his focus to me.

"I can fight my own battles remember? I'm handling it."

He started to calm down, his eyes turning to me as his breathing steadied.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked, as Harry Ron and George let go of him, and he sprung himself in my arms, holding me protectively against his chest.

"No, we just had a little chat, that's all. Theo, I think you should probably go now." I turned to where Nott was standing in the corner, still clutching the peonies and watched as he walked past us to get to the stairs, Draco glaring at him the whole time.

"Theo" I said as he was about to being to climb the stairs. He turned to face me.

"Good luck."

"Thankyou Tori."

And so he left.

"Don't tell me you forgave him" Ron said, turning to me in shock.

"Sometimes forgiveness brings you the closure that you need to move on. He can now move on with his life knowing I've forgiven him."

"I would have just pushed his sorry arse off the tower" Ron replied.

"I would have killed him." Draco added. "Speaking of father's here."

I felt my heart rate increase instantly at the thought of coming face to face with Lucius again, and Draco's grip around my waist tightened, holding me closer to him.

"We can go somewhere if you don't want to see him" he said, but I shook my head.

"I seem to be coming face to face with all of my enemies today, what's one more."

Draco brushed his lips gently against mine, before pulling away, our foreheads together.

"That's my girl."

Yours (A Draco Malfoy Fanfic) *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now