Chapter 14

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"Excuse me this is a Ravenclaw only party!" Cho Chang stormed towards us until she saw me, and her face softened. "Oh Tori, hi."

"Hi Cho."

"Harry's here too, he's over at the back."

"Thought you said it was a Ravenclaw only party? I don't remember Potter switching houses?" Pansy piped up, glaring at Cho. I saw Cho frown and I grabbed Pansy's arm. "Let's go say hi to people, come on."

"Pansy can you try for five minutes to not get us thrown out?" Draco said and Pansy walked off, dragging Blaise with her.

Draco handed me a cup of fire whiskey and said "to us, and only us" before clinking his drink with my own, and we drained the glasses within seconds.

"Tori!" Harry was sat on one of the sofas at the back of the room, alongside Ginny, Ron and Hermione.

"Hey guys!" I said as we sat down with them, Draco's hand resting on my thigh.

"Draco....hi." Harry said as the two boys locked eyes.

"Hello Harry." Harry laughed.

"That's the first time you haven't called me Potter."

"Don't get used to it."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to any of this."

"What, people trying to kill you all the time? Yeah I can imagine it's a shock to the system actually being able to relax."

"I expect it's nice for you to not have to be on the opposite side anymore Draco."

"Oh come on Potter I was never on their side, I was always on yours, you just never noticed."

"Tori tried to tell me, guess it only really sunk in when you threw me your wand when I needed it....thanks by the way."

"You're welcome."

The two boys smiled at each other, and I placed a kiss on Draco's cheek, my way of saying thankyou for making peace with Harry. He smiled at me before taking my hands, leading me to where Pansy was dancing with Blaise, alongside countless other students.

The mixture of firewhiskey and Draco's hands on my waist made me feel euphoric. Our bodies moved as one to the loud music, sweat beads forming on our foreheads as our eyes locked with each other. I could stay in this moment forever. Draco looked so happy, his face was rosy and his eyes were sparkling, so unlike the boy who I had seen the last 3 years. He seemed so carefree, there was no longer the pressure of living up to the Malfoy name, he was free to create whatever future he wanted, and I couldn't wait to be a part of it.

We looked over at Pansy and Blaise, who's lips were intertwined in the middle of the dance floor.

"Shall we give them some competition?" Draco whispered in my ear. I nodded and he gently titled my chin upwards, smiling as he placed his lips on mine, softly at first, before deepening the kiss. He knew exactly where to touch me, exactly how I liked to be kissed, and vice versa. My hands ran through his hair and one of his hands was around my neck, gently squeezing in the right places. We didn't care that we were in the middle of a party, we only cared about each other.

"GO ON TORI!" The distinct voice of Ron was heard over the music, followed by laughter.

"GET A ROOM!" Came another voice, and Draco pulled away, taking my hand and saying, "well if you insist."

We looked at each other, laughing as we ran out of the Ravenclaw common room. We were barely around the corner before I was pinned against the wall, Draco's lips finding mine again.

"Draco....someone... might ....catch" I said in between kisses.

"You're...head girl." He simply replied, his lips not leaving mine for a second.

"Doesn't mean I'm allowed to have sex in the corridor" I pulled away looking at him, and he just laughed.



He grabbed my hand and we ran, laughing, our footsteps echoing in the deserted corridors. We ran though the courtyard, Fred's portrait smiling knowingly at us as we ran past. When we were nearly there Draco stopped, swooping me into his arms and carrying me the rest of the way. My arms snaked around his neck as I laughed, Draco opening the door to the cabin in one swift wave of his wand.

We'd been to this cabin before, it was between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade and no one knew about it, except for me, Draco and Harry. It was our little secret.

I was pinned down on the bed in an instant, Draco's body on top of mine as I fumbled with the buttons to his shirt, practically ripping it off. His hands were under my dress now, touching me in the exact place he knew that got me the most worked up. It was dark in the cabin, so dark we could barely see anything. We laughed as we rolled off of the bed, hitting the floor with a bang.

"Ok hang on, let me just light this candle." The candle in the corner came on and our bodies were exposed to each other. My dress was discarded, Draco was just in his boxers. He looked me up and down before turning away.



My body was full of them. On my arm from where Voldemort had scratched me while holding me steady as he imprinted me with his mark, and on my shoulder and chest from where multiple hexes had hit me.

"Turn around."

He shook his head, but I came up behind him, gently throwing my bra and underwear to the side. He turned around slowly, and snaked his hands around my waist, pressing our bodies together. He took a deep breath before discarding his own underwear, and I took his hand, gently tracing my scars with it. He closed his eyes as he took my own hand and traced it over his chest, where Harry's curse from sixth year had hit him.

"See? We've both got scars, but they're just reminders of how strong we are. They're nothing."

He took my face in his hands before kissing me again.

"Just scars."

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