Chapter 26

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"Sooooo Draco? Good day at the ministry?" Pansy asked after dinner.


"I thought as much. No wonder why you needed that little stress reliever earlier." My jaw dropped as Pansy laughed, Draco's face turning bright red.

"Walls in this house are pretty thin...or you guys were just really loud." She winked at me, laughing again.

Astoria poked her head around the door and we all stiffened up, falling silent.

"Do you- do you mind if I join you guys?" She asked quietly. Pansy's eyes narrowed.

"I don't know, are you just going to spy on us for your best mate Lucius?" She said.

Astoria shook her head fiercely.

"It wasn't even my idea to come, it was my parents...and my sister."

"Daphne put you up to this?" Draco asked. Astoria took a seat in the chair nearest the door.

"She thinks I'm too shy and need some life experience, but this isn't what I had in mind. I'm quite happy on my own, studying for my exams. I mean don't get me wrong Draco you're great, I just don't particularly want to marry you."

"Well that's a relief. There's only one person I want to marry." He turned to look at me, giving me a wink. I played with his ring absentmindedly.

"Right well glad that's cleared up. Now if you'll excuse me I'd quite like to go to sleep before the lovebirds start moaning again." She mimicked the noises she had heard earlier, earning a punch on the arm as she left the room. Astoria soon left to go and pack her things as she was leaving the next day, and Draco and I headed to bed, exhausted.

"I cant believe father made this little plot with the Greengrass family, I mean he's done stuff before like buy everyone new brooms to get me on the quidditch team but THIS, this is something else."

"Poor Astoria seemed terrified."

"I'll be having words with Daphne when we get back to school. She's always been awful, so obsessed with marrying into another one of the sacred 28 families. Can you believe we've only got a few months left of Hogwarts?"

"It's so strange to think it's basically been our home for the last however many years, and soon it will just be a memory."

"It was my escape for a long time. A chance to get away from everything that was happening here. Then I met you and you became my escape."

"I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"And I love you Victoria Belle Greenwood."

He sighed, wrapping his arms around me, my back to his chest.




"ITS NEW YEARS EVEEEEE" Pansy came running into our room that morning, 2 mugs in her hand.

"A mug for a mug" she said, handing one to Draco, earning a middle finger from him.

She handed one to me and I took a sip.

"You're in a good mood this morning" I said, and she smiled.

"Well my darling if you must know my boy is on his way over, and I can't wait to see him and finally not have to sit around watching you two being lovey dovey all the time."

"Blaise is coming?" Draco asked.

"Hell yeah he is, he owled me last night."

She checked her lipstick in the mirror like she always does before she headed out of the room.

I sat up in bed and looked around Draco's room. I'd never really taken it in properly before. The walls were a dark colour, with green accents all around. His bed was large, yet the room still had enough space for a desk by the window, and a huge wardrobe. On the walls were Slytherin posters, and his first ever quidditch jersey was framed. I looked at his desk and saw the book of letters from me, that I had found when he left it behind after potions one day, but one thing surprised me.

In the far corner of the desk was a silver frame, and in it was a picture of none other than myself. I got out of bed to examine it.

"I took it that first time I came to Brighton to see you. I framed it in fifth year, it's been there ever since."

"I look so...young." It was in the cafe I took him, and I was staring out the window with a smile on my face.

"Well we were young."

"She had no idea what was coming her way."

"But look at her now." Draco's arms snaked around my waist as he came up behind me, placing a kiss on my neck.

"I miss Brighton. It was my home all this time. But I love Godric's Hollow too."

Just then we heard Narcissa call us down for breakfast, and we headed to the dining room.

As we took our seats Lucius looked unusually happy. He was smiling as he read the Daily Prophet, humming softly.

"Here Victoria, I thought you'd want to have a look." Narcissa pushed a few books my way, with titles like The guide to Magical weddings and Which wedding dress?

"Thankyou, I can't wait to get planning." I gave her a warm smile, which she returned and began to eat my porridge.

"Draco you haven't touched your juice?" Lucius suddenly said, eyeing him.

Draco's face flashed with confusion as he picked up the cup. I smelt it before I saw it.

"Draco that's not pumpkin juice" I whispered and he stopped, examining the liquid.

"A love potion? Father you didn't."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do." Draco stood up, pulling his wand out from his pocket.

"You really thought I'd be stupid enough to drink a love potion? A love potion no doubt made specifically to force me and Astoria together. She said she doesn't even want to do it, why can't you just drop it!"

"Draco put your wand down" Narcissa urged, her eyes filling with fear. I breathed in sharply, my breathing shaky as the fear rised through my body.

"No Draco don't. You want a duel? Is that it? Well then, let's see how well you fight little boy."

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