Chapter 7 - Draco's POV

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I was with her the whole time. She thought she was alone at the funeral, but I was right there, sat in the shadows. Godric's Hollow, a strange place to bury a witch who lived among muggles. Maybe I should have just gone over and sat with her, but I made a promise. I promised my father before he went to Azkaban that I would move on from her, focus on my career and schoolwork. He told me she was bad for me, but it was the other way round, I was bad for her. I had to let her forget me, I had to let her move on, even if that meant losing the love of my life. 3 hours she sat, just staring into the distance, not saying anything. I wanted to hug her so badly, tell her I was there, but I couldn't. I watched as the Weasley's ran to her, I watched Potter hug her, and I hated it. It was so easy for Potter, they stayed friends after their little relationship broke up, but us? I don't think we could ever be just friends, she said it herself. I apparated with her to Brighton, waiting until she went in before laying the rose on her step. Maybe I should have added a note? Oh come on, who else would be giving her flowers? She came back out of the house, and I watched as she saw the rose, looked around as if she was looking for me, held it to her chest and disapparated. This time, I didn't go with her.


She didn't remember anything. Was a part of me hoping she would have remembered every word she said and would jump into my arms? Yes. And no. Draco you have to let her move on for fucks sake.

She looked so good. Sat there, in my jersey, her hair a mess. I'm pretty sure my heart was beating so loud that she could hear it. Then I thought about how she was last night, the boys all watching her, how drunk she was, I thought about Nott. He didn't go to the party, she didn't even sleep over at Hogwarts anymore, he stayed in Hogsmeade or something, but if he was there.....images of him with his hands all over MY GIRL flashed through my mind. The heat rose to my face.

"You know you really need to learn to handle your alcohol." Fuck. Why did I say that? I watched her face flash with confusion and then anger.

"You haven't been there for a year now Draco." Those words. They were like swords in my heart. She hated me. She really hated me. I looked at the girl I love, frowning at me. Well, I guess it would be easier for her to move on if she hated me.

Before I could stop myself I spilled my heart out. Every damn stupid emotion I had pushed to the very depths of my brain came rushing out like vomit, I couldn't stop myself.

"I'm well aware of that! Don't you think I have a good reason for that?! Do you know how hard it is to see you, knowing that everytime my arm burns, yours burns too. I can't even look at you without being consumed by the guilt of knowing that I'm the reason you have no family. Every problem in your life is a result of me and I can't let you love me when all I do is get you hurt. You're better off without me, that way you can move on and I can attempt to learn to live without you."

I watched the tears in her beautiful eyes form. I watched as her already broken heart broke even more. I wanted to hug her, so so bad, tell her I'm sorry, but she stormed out. She left. Leaving me with the last thing she said ringing in my ears.

"You don't get to decide whether or not I love you. And for the record I still do, I never stopped."

She still loved me. I let myself fall to the floor, my head in my hands. She still loved me. And I still loved her. Surely that should be enough? But I made a promise, a promise that I couldn't break. I flopped down on the bed, reaching for my book. Just as I opened the first page something jabbed into my neck. I reached over and pulled the ruby necklace I brought her in fourth year from my pillow, my ring still attached to it. So she'd been wearing it this whole time, but why had she taken it off now? She hated me, I'd made her hate me. Taking shaky breaths, I put it safely in my bedside table and picked up the book.

Every single letter she had ever written me was in there. Every single damn stupid letter, in her stupid cursive writing was there. From the very first letter she ever sent me to the ones she sent me when I first got my mark. Next to those letters were the replies o wrote back but never sent. Every single letter I replied to, it was the only thing that kept me going when all I wanted was to end it. The days that were clouded with fire whiskey and feelings, she was the only thing I had in my life that gave me any kind of hope.

The sun was beaming and I decided to get out of the dungeons and head out to the only place in school I knew would be quiet, the quidditch stands.

I watched as she came out, not even noticing me. She must have scored at least 50 goals, she didn't even seem to enjoy quidditch anymore. I'd made her hate the things that used to make her happy. What had I done?

I watched as she got the bat out and smashed bludgers like she'd been doing it since she was born. I closed the book and watched her, edging a little closer. That's when she looked up.

"I see you."


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