Chapter 31

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"But why?" I asked Draco as he leant against the wall, sighing."

"It's a last resort for him. He knows that he's failed at all his other attempts to drive you away from me, so he's messing up your future while still controlling mine."

"Surely he wouldn't stoop that low. I mean he's bad but messing with my career? That's something else."

"Belle, you always see the good in someone, I always see the bad. I see my father for what he is, someone that won't stop until he has succeeded at his task. Guaranteed he paid Slughorn to do it."

"Well, we're not going to let him win. You're going to do the job, and you're going to be brilliant at it, and I'll just keep up with my homework to ensure I get the grades I need."

Draco stood up, wrapping his arms around me.

"Always the positive one aren't you. And here I am dragging you into my mess again."

"And here I am dragging you out of it."


The next few weeks were filled with classes and mountains of homework. With exams coming up the teachers were dishing out double the amount of homework they previously used to give us, and every spare minute was either spent scribbling down essays on rolls of parchment or preparing for the quidditch cup final, between none other than Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Draco and I snuck out almost every night to watch the stars, and tonight was no exception. He greeted me outside the Gryffindor common room like always does and we walked hand in hand to the edge of black lake, where we lay on the soft grass, staring up at the night sky.

"Did Slughorn used to make you mark people's exams? He gave me a whole pile earlier and I haven't even looked at it yet, there's so many."

"You get used to it. How's quidditch practice going?"

"Oh no no no Belle you're not getting any information out of me, you'll learn all of our tactics and Slytherin are taking the trophy back from you this time, just you wait and see."

"Whatever you say Malfoy."

"Oh Greenwood, you have no idea what's coming your way."

"Oh don't I?"


"I have an idea" Draco propped himself up on his elbow to look at me, intrigued.

"I'm listening."

"How about we have a little competition of our own?" I looked up at him and he narrowed his eyes.

"Like...whichever one of us is on the winning team gets a prize?"


"A....sexual prize?" He asked, smirking slightly. I simply nodded and he laid back down, smiling up at the sky.

"Bring it on."

"Oh I intend to." I rolled over so my head was propped up on his chest and I leant in for a kiss, to which Draco simply turned away saying "no no, none of that until the match."

I pouted at him. "But the match is in 2 days!"

"I know. It will make it all that more worth it."

"Like you can resist me until then" I smirked at him.

"More like can you resist me"


"So if I was to...." he suddenly flipped us over so I was lying back down on the grass, Draco hovering over me. He leant in, biting his lip as he did so, but I simply rolled away from him, and he landed with a thump on the grass. Laughing, he ran his hand through his hair.

"Told you I can resist you."


The next two days Draco and I did everything we could to turn each other on. His hand constantly found my leg during lessons, sliding up ever so slowly then suddenly stopping and pulling his hand away, and I made of point of making sure our skin was always touching, as I turned the pages in my book, as I wrote stuff down, my hand always found the soft skin of his arm. I also wore a lot more perfume than normal, and he thanked me by wearing even more of his usual cologne. Constantly he pulled me into empty classrooms and deserted corridors, only to pull away and leave without another word just as our lips were millimetres away from each other. It was torture, but it gave us both the motivation we needed for the quidditch match.

"Ready Tori?" Harry asked as we gathered for our team talk.

"Born ready Potter."

"That's what I like to hear."

"Now listen up Gryffindors! The trophy has been ours for so many years I can't even remember, and this year we are not giving it up, especially not to Slytherin! We are the brave ones, the determined ones, we're the lions! So let's go show those snakes what we're made of!" My speech resulted in a cheer from my teammates and we marched out onto the pitch where the Slytherin team were already waiting for us. Pansy, Blaise and Draco were standing together, and all three of them turned to look at me, Pansy shooting me the middle finger before laughing and mounting her broom, kicking off the ground and rising above the pitch.

Rising up, the whistle blew and it was game on. I spotted the first quaffle, and dived after it, Pansy hot on my heels.

"COME ON GREENWOOD" she shouted. Drowning her out, I grabbed the quaffle, holding it tightly under my arm. Pansy was next to me in a second, bumping into me to try and get me to fall off of my broom. I held on tighter, lining myself up with the goal to take a shot, sending it flying through the centre hoop.


Pansy, clearly annoyed, had managed to find her way to the Gryffindor goal just a few seconds after, and threw the quaffle so aggressively through the hoop that the keeper had no chance.


The game stayed at neck and neck pretty much the whole way through, Pansy and I fighting over quaffles and the beaters from each team sending blushers flying our way. I caught a glimpse of red and saw Harry diving towards the ground, Draco following. Even Pansy stopped to watch the pair as the whizzed around, following the tiny glint of gold that both boys were trying to catch.

As they hit the ground I saw Harry gagging, but I knew that he wasn't going to throw up. Spitting out the snitch, I let out a cheer, and the Gryffindor side of the stands erupted into celebration.


As we reached the ground I spotted Draco sitting on the floor, exhausted. I jogged over to him, extending my hand and pulling him to his feet. His hands found my waist and he pulled me close to him, brushing my hair back to whisper in my ear

"You win. I'll see you at the cabin tonight."

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