Chapter 18

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Harry led me outside, and I wasn't ready for what I saw.

The castle grounds had been transformed, with floating candles surrounding the cold air. The stars shone down brightly, and there he was, my Draco. Standing just a few feet away, at the end of the courtyard. Harry winked at me, before letting go of my arm and walking away, leaving me and Draco alone. I walked over to him, my heart practically beating out of my chest, and as I reached him he took my hands in his own.

"What did I tell you at Bill and Fleur's wedding?"

"You told me you didn't want to marry me while the war was going on."

"Exactly. The war is over. I know we're still in school but we're 20, we're not kids, and I don't want to go another day without you, I want you by my side through it all. I can get through anything as long as I have you. Victoria Belle Greenwood....will you marry me?"

Tears spilled down my cheeks as he got down on one knee, opening a small velvet black box to reveal a ring that I knew all too well. My own mother's engagement ring. I couldn't speak. I just nodded frantically and then tears started leaking out of Draco's eyes as he slid the ring onto my finger and swooped me into a hug. He pulled away to look at me, and wiped some of my tears away with his thumbs.



He pressed his lips to mine, and I could feel the love radiating from his body. My Draco. My happily ever after.

Suddenly we heard cheers from behind us, and turned around to see the whole Weasley family, accompanied by Harry, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Pansy and Blaise.

"Victoria dear congratulations!" Molly swept me into a hug, before grabbing my hand and examining the ring that was sparkling away on my left hand.

"Oh Draco it's beautiful."

"Victoria's mother gave it to me at Bill's wedding along with her blessing. I wanted to do it right. I'm just sorry she can't be here."

"Oh but she is. In here." Molly pointed at my heart, and I placed my hand over it, smiling.

"Congratulations Tori." Harry came from the back of the group and enveloped me in a tight hug.

"You were in on it weren't you?!" I said, pushing him softly.

"We all were."

"TO DRACO AND VICTORIA MALFOY!" Pansy held up a glass of sparkling liquid, and handed me and Draco one each.

"TO DRACO AND VICTORIA!" Everyone raised their glasses and we took a sip of the liquid. It was bubbly, and left a sweet taste in my mouth.

"Champagne. Muggles love it." Pansy explained.

"Really? What did you say? Champagne? Fascinating" Arthur Weasley said, examining his glass.

The rest of the night was spent celebrating, with many drinks being consumed. I looked around at everyone that was with us and I could have burst with happiness. I may not have any family left, but these people are my family, every single one of them. And I was about to join a new family, which I was pretty nervous about.

"Want to go for a walk?" Draco whispered in my ear, and I nodded. We left the others to keep celebrating and we walked, hand in hand, around the castle grounds. We reached the black lake and Draco laid down on the grass, looking up at the stars. I laughed and laid down next to him, and he pulled me towards him. I leant my head on his chest, listening to his heat beating.

"You know, I don't think I could get any happier right now" he sighed, rubbing my back softly.

"Me neither. I'm so happy I could burst."

"I can't wait to marry you Belle. I've thought about it every single day since I met you."

"And I can't wait to marry you. I thought we'd never get to this point but god I'm so happy that we're finally here."

"You know, I used to think of you as sunshine. But now I think of you as the stars. Beautiful and mesmerising. And if you're the stars that means I'm the moon."

I propped my head up to look at him.

"No you'd be the darkness."

"And why's that?"

"Because stars can't shine without darkness. And I can't shine without you."

"God I love you so much Belle."

"And I love you more Draco."

I pressed my lips to his and he pulled he closer to him, his hand rubbing small circles on my back.

When he pulled away he grabbed my left hand, running his fingers over the ring.

"You know I added the emeralds on. Wanted to give it my own little touch."

"It's perfect. I love it."

"I can't wait for Christmas with you. And I also can't wait to take you home to the manor. I'm sure my parents will love you."

"Meeting the parents. Never done that before."

"You'll be fine. If I love you then they will."

He stood up, helping me to my feet just as the sun began to come up and the stars disappeared, and we headed back to the castle to pack for Christmas at the burrow.

"First proper Christmas without them. How you feeling?" Ginny asked as I folded jumpers into my trunk.

"Happy because I'm engaged, but then guilty because I'm happy. Nervous to meet Draco's parents properly. Too many emotions".

"If I had a galleon for however many emotions I was feeling right now I could buy the castle. Thankyou for the dress by the way." She sent me a warm smile which I returned.

"You knew it was from me?"

"When Harry said it wasn't from him my next guess was you. You really didn't have to do that, I was fine with an old dress."

"Everyone deserves to feel like a Princess, and you looked just like one."

"You know you remind me so much of Fred. You're funny, you're generous, and you talk just like him. He may be gone but I have you to remind me of him everyday. You're truly one in a million Tori.'

Ginny's words made my heart swell. I wrapped my arms around her, and whispered

"And you Ginny Weasley, are the little sister I never had. Now let's go have a good Christmas, for him."

Yours (A Draco Malfoy Fanfic) *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now