Chapter 36

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The 2nd of May. The night that we fought, and won, losing people we loved along the way. It had been two years since that night, yet we all remembered it like it was yesterday. 2 years since my mother was taken from me. It's true what they say, that time helps to ease the pain, the ache in my stomach from grief will never fully leave, but it's not unbearable anymore, and this is the first time I've felt like I can let go of the past, and move on into my future with Draco.

That morning I woke up as soon as the birds began to chirp. The castle grounds would be full of people wanting to pay their respects and remember loved ones in just a couple of hours and I wanted some time to myself before the chaos erupted. I slipped on one of Draco's sweatshirts, breathing in his homely scent, and tiptoed out of the dormitory and down into the common room.

"Couldn't sleep either?"

The sleepy voice of Draco came from the doorway as he stood leant against the wall, his hair a mess from where he had just woken up, and he was dressed in sweats, smiling softly at me.

"Wanted some time to myself before I hear 'I'm sorry for your loss' for 8 hours straight" I replied.

"How are you feeling?" His grey eyes met mine and I knew he wouldn't believe me if I told him I was fine.

"Last year I felt like my life was over, but honestly this year I'm feeling better. It's still a ridiculously hard day to get through, but this year there's hope, for my future, our future."

Draco approached me, wrapping his arms around me as I buried my face into his warm chest.

"I love it when you say our future. And to think, this time 2 years ago I thought I'd lost you forever when I walked over to his side."

"Ahhh we were always going to end up together weren't we Malfoy? We've been through too much shit to not be together."

Draco kissed the top of my head gently.

"The Slytherin Prince and the Gryffindor princess."

"Come on you, let's go for a walk"



Taking my hand in his, Draco led me to the black lake. The castle was deserted, and the sun was only just beginning to rise, the air fresh against my face. We took a seat on the grass and gazed out at the orange sky, Draco's arm draped around my shoulder.

"It's funny. I can barely remember what happened yesterday in charms, yet I can remember exactly what happened at this very minute two years ago" he said, and I laid my head down on his lap, gazing up at him.

"At this exact minute, that very same sun was coming up as we stood in the courtyard. I can still hear Bellatrix's cackle" I said.

"She was one evil bitch. And I'm allowed to say that, seeing as I was related to her."

"Are your parents coming today?"

I saw him look away from me, swallowing hard.

"Mum said she'd come, but I have no idea about him."

"Well if he does come I'll make sure Harry and Ron are on standby to hold you back."

He chuckled. "As if the could manage that. When it comes to fighting for you it will take a lot more people to hold me back."

"Luckily for you I can fight for myself"

"Obviously, you're 10x stronger than I'll ever be, hence why I'm marrying you."

"We get married in just over a month, how crazy is that?"

"34 days...not that I've been counting or anything."

I sat up, pulling Draco in gently until our lips met, both of us overflowing with love for each other. One of Draco's hands was cupping my face, the other on the back of my neck, holding me close to him. I pulled away and worked my way down to his neck, hearing his breathing speed up as I did so. Quick as a flash his hands were on my hips as he pinned me to the ground, hovering above me, smirking.

"I think you'll find that's my job" he said, not giving me any time to respond as his lips made contact with my neck, knowing the exact spot where it felt the best. Before the tension became unbearable I pushed him off of me, and he collapsed on the ground next to me, running a hand through his hair.

"What was that for? I wasn't ready to stop!" He pouted at me, and I just laughed.

"As much as I didn't want to stop either, we need to go get ready"

"I could just kiss you all day Victoria Belle"

"Likewise my love."

He placed one more kiss on my lips before helping me up and leading us back into the castle.

"Ready for a day of sympathy?" Harry asked as we ate breakfast, the first few people starting to arrive in the courtyard, flowers in hand.

"I'm so over the whole sympathy thing, it's not going to bring any of them back" Ginny said as she poured herself another cup of pumpkin juice.

"At least the flowers are pretty" I said, pushing my empty plate away from me.

"And at least it's a day out of lessons" Ron added.

As we headed out of the hall, the portraits of the fallen fifty were already covered in flowers, and I looked up at my mother's painting to see hers covered in peonies. Peonies again? This must have been the same person who had been laying flowers at her grave. But who?

That's when I saw him. A hooded figure making his way up the staircase, clutching a small bunch of the very same flower.

"Hey!" I called, but the figure kept walking.

Breaking into a run, I chased the figure through the castle, and up flights of stairs until I eventually caught up with them, grabbing them and spinning them around to face me.

I felt my stomach drop as I locked eyes with the last person I expected to see.


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