Chapter 30

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"At the end of today's lesson I will be announcing who will be assisting me this term, but first we will be brewing Amortentia, which we have made several times now so it should be easy for you all" Slughorn addressed the class the first day back after the holidays. Students began to slowly collect their ingredients together, hardly interested in the lesson when we had made the potion more times than we could count.

"Maybe we should give some to Lucius so he can try and spike someone's drink again" Pansy said as she added ingredients to get cauldron.

"Lucius did WHAT?" Harry asked.

"He may or may not have tried to set Draco up with Astoria Greengrass over Christmas because he hated me that much, when all his attempts failed he resorted to using a love potion" I explained.

"Just when I thought he couldn't get any more fucked up...he gets more fucked up" Ron said before adding "want me to curse him or something? Sort him out for you Tori?"

"Don't you worry Ronald I can handle myself, if he had it his way I would left the manor the day I arrived."

"Just remember Tori, if anyone messes with you they'll have us to deal with" Harry said, smiling softly at me.

The moment was ruined by Pansy's cauldron erupting with purple smoke.

"I don't think this is normal!" She screamed, jumping back to avoid breathing in the purple fumes. I quickly scooped up some powdered moonstone and dropped them in, calming the bubbling liquid.

"Cheers Greenwood"

"No problem Parkinson."

"If you don't get this assistants job then it's definitely been rigged"

"I don't know Draco's potion is looking pretty good" I said, looking over at him concentrating on his cauldron next to me. Quick as a flash he took another Ashwinder egg and dropped it in, turning his potion a dark green colour.

"Not anymore it's not."

"What did you do that for? You only needed 3 eggs, you've got four in there now!"

"Because this job is yours for the taking. It's paid this time which means you won't need to work at the pub anymore, meaning you can spend more time with me." He sent me a small smile but I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Doesn't feel fair now, I wanted to win it on my own merit"

"Oh come on you know you're head and shoulders above the rest of us, making silly Amortentia isn't going to prove anything, you can do this potion in your sleep Belle."

"Well tell me what you smell then" I said as he leant over, breathing in the fumes of the pearly liquid.

"Same thing I've always smelt. You."

"That was the correct answer."

"Now you."

I didn't need to lean in. The smell of his aftershave had been wafting around for the last ten minutes and as I looked up at him a smile crept onto his face.

"Same thing as always."

He pressed his lips to my cheek gently, sending butterflies erupting in my stomach.

When Slughorn came round to inspect the cauldrons his face was mostly filled with disappointment until he saw mine.

"Perfect as expected from you Miss Greenwood. Mr Malfoy what happened to yours?"

"Not sure sir. Counted out some ingredients wrong I guess" Draco shrugged.

Slughorn returned to the front of the class, clasping his hands together with excitement. Nerves travelled through my body, I wanted this job badly. I needed it. Draco's hand found mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Students, after observing your efforts over the last few months carefully I have decided who will be assisting me as my assistant this term. Please welcome....MR MALFOY!"

The class was silent. The blood drained from my face and when I looked at Draco his face was exactly the same.

"Well come on Mr Malfoy, come here."

Draco got up slowly, before walking to the front, his face full of shock and annoyance. Harry caught my eye, giving me a sympathetic smile as I looked down at the table. Gathering myself together I was the first to clap for Draco, he earned it after all and I was still proud of him. But the feeling in my stomach that something wasn't right remained, as much I tried to fight it away.

When class ended Pansy was the first to speak as we headed to the courtyard.

"You know when I said that if you didn't win it was probably rigged? I stand by that, I think there's been some foul play here."

"Draco earned it, he's been working hard, I guess I just didn't work hard enough" I said as Draco caught up with us, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"I don't want it, I really don't."

"Don't be like that, I'm proud of you!"

"No Belle I really don't want it. It doesn't feel right. I'm going back go Slughorn right now and telling him to give it to you...and you're coming with me." He grabbed my hand, practically pulling me back to the classroom. He swung open the door where Slughorn was shuffling papers on his desk.

"Ahhh the celebrity couple of Hogwarts! What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Sir, I want to step down from the assistants position. Bel- Victoria here is much more suited to the role, and she's the one who wants to be potions master."

"I'm sorry Mr Malfoy but my decision is final. You will be assisting me, not miss Greenwood."

"But sir-"

"I said my decision is final."

Draco glared at him before I gently tugged his hand, saying "it's ok" and leading us out of the room.

"This is ridiculous! I can't even turn it down?"

"Draco it's fine! It will look good on an auror application anyway! Maybe it's because I've already assisted him before, so I don't need the experience anymore"

"Something doesn't feel right" Draco said, turning to me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I don't think Slughorn made the decision on his own."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

His eyes met mine, and I saw the anger fill up within them.

"I think my father made this happen."

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