Chapter 24

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"Ok but this outfit.....jesus christ Greenwood if Malfoy doesn't stand up to his dad and marry you I'll marry you myself!" Pansy said as she finished curling my hair. Wearing the outfit that Draco had brought for me in Paris, the lace camisole with the leather jacket and matching trousers, was like stepping back in time to spending my days running around the most romantic city in the world with the boy I love, talking about living a life without magic.

"Do you think this makes me look someone they'd want as a daughter in law?"

"Oh please you don't need this outfit to look like that....but not wearing the handmade Weasley jumper definitely helps."

I ran my hand over the jumper Molly had made.

"But it's cute!"

"Yeah it's cute...kind of. But this...this is HOT. Never settle for cute when hot is always an option. At least that's what I tell myself everyday." She looked at herself in the mirror, checking her red lipstick. Her short black hair lay effortlessly above her shoulders, and her outfit was perfect as always. She made me look like a little first year.

"How do you stay so confident?" I asked her as she turned round to face me.

"Confidence comes from within. I believe that nothing is out of reach. I tell myself that it's my world and everyone else is just living in it. That's how you become confident. Now, you're in a house full of Slytherins. We're known for our determination, so Greenwood, show me how determined you are at getting that approval."

Pansy's words echoed in my ear as we walked down the spiral staircase to the dining room. Lucius wasn't there yet, so Draco had chosen the seat next to mine from last night, and Astoria sat the other side. Narcissa was present, and she was the first to spot us as we entered the room.

"Victoria! You look beautiful! As do you of course Pansy."

I smiled warmly at her and my eyes travelled to Draco, who was looking me up and down, before biting his lip softly. I took my seat next to him and he turned my head towards him, before kissing him gently.

"You never fail to take my breath away Belle."

"Belle? Where did that name come from?" Narcissa asked, as she took a sip of tea.

"It's my middle name. It's French, which is where my mother was from."

"Well it suits you. And so do those clothes, where did you get them?"

"They're from...uh..Paris."

Narcissa gave a knowning smile, before turning her attention to Lucius, who had just walked in, dark circles around his eyes. It didn't look like he had slept much.

"Draco, you're coming to work with me today. I want you to see what working in the ministry is like."

"But I thought you didn't work there anymore father?" Draco asked.

"I got my job back. Well not the same job, but I'll work my way up again. It's time you started thinking about your future."

"My future is sitting right next to me" he replied quietly, and Lucius' eyes narrowed.

"Draco, my boy, do you want to end up with a bad job, that leaves you working 24/7 only earning half the money you could be making if you hadn't given it all up to be a little family man?"

"What I want is for to trust my judgement for once. That's all." I placed my hand on Draco's knee reassuringly. I could feel him shaking.

"And what I want is for you to listen to me for once."

"No you need to listen to ME. I'm not a kid anymore father."

"While you live under my roof you are."

Draco stood up.

"Well then, the day I leave Hogwarts will be the day I move out of this house and never see you again!"

He stormed out, slamming the door loudly. The silence that followed was deafening, Pansy grabbed her plate and began to eat, Astoria stared at the ground and Narcissa stared at the door where her son had just left from. Lucius' eyes turned towards me.

"You Greenwood's never stop causing trouble do you."

With that, he also left the room, leaving me more confused than ever.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" Pansy eventually said.

Narcissa cleared her throat.

"Victoria, would you like to go for a walk?"

I nodded, and we both stood up, her leading the way to the grounds of the manor. In the distance we saw Lucius and Draco disapparating, Lucius holding Draco tightly.

"I owe you a thankyou." Narcissa said, looking at me and smiling gently.

"For what?"

"For making my son so happy. And for not giving up on him when he pushed you away...him and his father both have a habit of doing that."

"I would never give up on him. I just wish that Lucius would accept me."

"I don't know why he's being like this, I honestly don't. Bringing Astoria here was not my choice in the slightest."

"Why Astoria do you think? Is it because she's a pureblood?"

"All that pureblood stuff died when the war ended, and I was certain Lucius didn't care about it anymore, but maybe I was wrong. I think....the Malfoy family have always been thought highly of, he feels as though he has failed all of his ancestors from failing in his tasks, so Draco is his chance to redeem himself. I think he forgets that Draco is a man now, a man who can make his own decisions."

"I've never thought of it that way."

"You know Victoria, I don't want you to feel rejected by this family. You are welcome here, you always will be. I know you've lost your mother, but if you ever need anything, any female advice, I'll be here for you."

A single tear rolled down my cheek that Narcissa caught. She was so kind, she was so unlike Lucius. Funny how opposites seem to attract.

"Thankyou Narcissa, that means the world to me."

"One more thing" she said, pulling me to her chest.

"Welcome to the family."

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