Chapter 6

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Quidditch. The one thing that can clear my head. The pitch was empty, tryouts hadn't started yet for the season so I was free to practice for as long as I wanted.

I kicked off from the ground, feeling the cool wind whip around me as I rose up onto the pitch, and soared after the quaffle. Catching it with ease I threw it smoothly through the middle goal. For what seemed like hours I repeated. Catch the quaffle, throw through the goal. It was almost robotic at this point.

"You're allowed to feel angry." Harry's words echoed in my ears. I did feel angry. This wasn't cutting it for me. Touching back down on the ground I grabbed a beaters bat and let the bludger out of its box. I watched as it flew up into the air, then plowed back down towards me. I swung the bat fiercely, sending the bludger soaring back into the air. That felt good. I hit the bludger over and over again, loud grunts coming out of my mouth as I did so, letting all my anger travel through my body and out through the bat.

Just as I was packing away the box I saw a flash of blonde hair in the stands. I watched as he attempted to duck down, folding my arms.

"I see you."

He stood up, clutching that same book. He didn't say anything.

"Are you stalking me or something?"

"The last time I checked, you don't own the quidditch stands." He smirked a little, proud of his response.

"And the last time I checked, you don't want to be around me."

"Well this happens to be the only place I can get any peace around here, at least until you had a shouting match with the bludger. You'd make a good beater."


And then he was gone. Disappearing back into the castle, I watched as he walked away, running his hand through his hair.


The prefects bathroom was the best part about being head girl. The hot water poured over me, filling me with a sense of relaxation. My hand absentmindedly travelled up to my neck, but it was empty. My necklace, the necklace I had worn since 4th year, when Draco got it for me, and then added his own ring to it the night of Bill and Fleur's wedding. It had sat around my neck this whole time, I never took it off, and now it was gone.

My mind flashed back to the night of the party. Draco changed my clothes for me that night. He must have seen his ring on it and taken it back, after all, we weren't together anymore so why did I still wear it? I guess a part of me just thought that as long as I wore it then there was always that hope, hope that we would get back together. But now that hope was gone, along with the necklace.


The first day of lessons I woke up late. The dorm was empty, everyone either at breakfast or already on their way to their first class. I scrambled into my robes, running to the Potions classroom where everyone was already sat, with only one spare seat. Of course it was next to him, of course.

I sat down, not even looking at him. I could feel him looking at me out of the corner of his eye, I just flipped my textbook over and acted like I was reading it.

"Look who's the stalker now" his voice had a hint of smugness to it.

"Where did you want me to sit then? On Slughorn's desk?"

He laughed a little. I missed his laugh.

"Whatever gets you going Greenwood."

He much better at potions. He stirred that cauldron like he'd been doing it his whole life, I was impressed. I on the other hand hadn't done any potions work in a year, I was rusty. As blue smoke poured out of my cauldron I heard him laugh again.

"It's like the tables have turned. The student has become the master."

"And how did you get so good may I ask?"

"Been studying. Clearly you haven't been."

"I'm fine, just rusty."

"If you say so." He grabbed a handful of lacewing flies and deposited them in my cauldron, making it go through correct colour.


"Cant have Slughorn being disappointed in his star student now can we?"

As if on cue, Slughorn came to examine our table just before the lesson ended. Nodding approvingly at both me and Draco, he said "it seems you're going to have some competition for the teaching assistant job this year Miss Greenwood, well done Mr Malfoy."

Standing up to leave the class, Draco leant down to whisper in my ear "bring it on...Greenwood." I furrowed my brows as I watched him leave, why was he being so weird? One minute saying how he can't bare to look at me because I make him feel guilty, the next he's flirting with me?

My eyes travelled down to the desk, where he had left his precious book behind.

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