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"...Gryffindor!" Yelled the sorting hat.

Claps soon followed as the Gryffindor boy made his way to his table.

"Trisha Bumbles-men." Professor McGonagall beamed.

A tall girl with wavy short brown hair sprouted from the crowd. She was wearing spectacles and it looks like she was probably also going to be in year six.

The girl or, Trisha, slowly stumbled over to the chair. She carefully took a seat and the hat was gently placed on her head.

"Right...Another Bumbles-men. Different than your sister I see.....not weak yet not....oh. I see. Very well then. Let it be....Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table cheered and I felt eyes on me. I quickly scanned my surrounding surprisingly finding Trisha's dark green eyes pinned to mine. She gave me a sinister yet friendly smile and waved. I gave her a confused smirk and waved back.

"Y/n Salvatore?" Professor McGonagall spoke.

The entire hall was quiet, eyes from every direction scouring the leftover group. I was a little hesitant but I got the courage soon and stepped up.

There were a few gasps but I don't know if I was supposed to be surprised or offended. I made my way to the chair and sat down, my eyes were searching for the blonde. It was easier to find him, him being blonde and all. Also maybe the fact that his eyes were literally torn open. He seemed more surprised than upset tho. I quickly looked away and pretended as if he had never existed.

Before I knew it, the sorting hat was being placed on my head and the hat began to describe.

"A Salvatore I see....your not like the rest. A lot of inner courage and misplaced talents....strong and with no limits.. better be...SLYTHERIN!"

Slytherin table cheered louder than ever. What was happening? I didn't understand half of the congrats I got on my way over to the table. My legs carried me over to the brown haired girl, gesturing for my arrival.

"Salvatore huh?" She spoke.

"Yea, nice to meet you."

"My name is Trisha. Trisha Bumbles-Men."

"Y/n." I continued.

I sat down near to her and we quickly started an conversation. I guess I forgot about the blonde's existence for too long but I kept feeling cold stares that sent shivers down my neck. The conversation me and Trisha had was to good to pull away from. She really knew how to talk. It didn't last long tho. Dumbledore had to personally shush Slytherin table and that was a last resort.

My attention, like everyone else's shifted to the first years. Well, everyone but one person. I turned a little only to notice the blonde apparently continuing to glare at me.

I mouthed him a "what?" and he just looked away. I rolled my eyes as I cheered for a new Hufflepuff.


I arrived at my dorm and found that all my stuff had already been place on what seemed like my side of the room. There was an exceedingly large amount of suitcases on the other side. I walked over there and glanced at the little tag that came along with the cases. "TBM"

Ok? Let's see.. Who is the only other girl that I've talked to me, is also in Slytherin, and who just somehow keeps trying to be around me, and is now apparently my roommate with the initials 'TBM'. I wasn't complaining though, but it did seem a little weird.

"Hope we haven't started snooping yet."

I jumped a little and turned to the door. Trisha was there with her arms crossed with a smirk plastered all over her face.

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