History +

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The door opened and Lilith came in. I had enchanted it so that only the people who knew I was still alive could open it without any trouble.

"Hey, Y/n. Find out why your parents hate you so much yet?" Lilith cooed as she closed the door behind her.

"Well, from what I gathered, I am the first girl firstborn, except my ancestor Stephanie Salvatore. But she was 4 generations back." I sighed.

The bed was littered with opened books and papers.

"That's not a very good excuse to hate someone." She let out.

"Tell me about it. Also, did you know that I'm related to vampires? I'm also part wolf, Phoenix, and my bloodline extends all the way out to the original witch." I vented. "Not to mention, my great-great-Grandfather was a big influence on people and he is one of the many reasons why the dark Lord has so many original followers."

"Damn. Wait, how are you related to vampires? I thought vampires couldn't procreate?" She asked.

"I don't know. Hope Mikaelson, the person who was born a vampire, was only born like that because her father was a hybrid. She probably gave birth to someone before she triggered the vampire side of her, otherwise known as she died." I explained.

"Makes sense."

"But what I don't get is if my parents have the same extra abilities I have." I huffed.

"Well, how did you find all that information? There is no way you got all of that from just journals and books. Maybe you can use the same strategy." Lilith aided.

"You're right. Um, show me, Christmas Salvatore." I commanded the slim book in front of me.

'Christmas Salvatore, born October 8, 1961. New York City, currently alive, was born a wizard.
Mother: Haley Calvin
Father: Jacob Salvatore
A son
A Father
A wizard
A carrier of the werewolf gene
A carrier of the vampire gene
A carrier of the Phoenix gene

"Oh wow. You have all of those inside you?" Lilith cooed.

"Yea. I guess so. Hey, where is Draco?" I asked.

"Oh, he's currently serving detention for trying to skip class," Lilith answered.

I laughed and dived back into the books. Lilith also helped me dig for more information.


"Hey, I may have something that can help." Lilith started.

"What's that?"

"Well, if you want more information, there is a place in your house with many more of these books." She spoke.

"And you're just telling me this why?" I cooed.

"Well, it just popped up in my mind." She uttered.

"Field trip?" I squealed.

"FIELD TRIP!" Lilith gleamed.

I grabbed the cloak and brought a bag along. We sneaked out the dormitories and the Slytherin side of Hogwarts. Lilith and I found one of the secret passages and made our way out to Hogsmeade.

I grabbed Lilith's hand and we apparated to my house's ruins. The Manor looked crispy burnt and probably really unsafe.

"Imagine if we get impaled the second we step in." I joked as I took the cloak off.

"Oh well. It was a good run." Lilith laughed.

We giggled our way to the front door and opened it.
Yup. Crispy burnt.

"Maybe you should have made more of your house marble." Lilith cooed.

"Noted." I agreed. "How about we go through the back door."


Lilith guided me the rest of the way into the manor. We went downstairs and into a secret room.

"I can't believe I never knew this was here." I ventured.

"Yea, and there are a lot more... journals?" Lilith stopped.

We stared at a blank bookshelf and just stood there.

"Well, they definitely didn't burn. There's no ash." Lilith pointed out.

"I can't believe it. Did my parents really send someone into the fire just for books?" I yelled.

"Hey, hey. Your parents are dicks. Besides, this whole trip wasn't a total lost cause." Lilith cooed as she bent down and picked up a dusty big book. "Looks like someone left something behind."

Lilith held the book up to me and I took it out of her hands. I flipped through the pages. Each one was filled with all sorts of information in tiny print.

"This is good. Can we go now, I swear I can feel the wood above us snapping." I reminded us.

Lilith nodded and we carefully made our way out.


We snuck back in and this time, in Lilith's dorm.


"Hey look, it says right here 'Monday told me how she had her mother's aunt Freya hide the werewolf part of her. I love her but I do not want our child to have to go through that much pain every month.'" Lilith read.

This was Paul Salvatore's journal. My great-great-great-grandfather. It explained how Monday Mikaelson also inherited the ability to be a witch, werewolf, vampire, and phoenix. The only problem was that the vampire gene and phoenix gene got twisted together and canceled each other out.

You have to die to become a vampire, and when you're a phoenix, you can't stay dead. This left Monday Mikaelson as a witch and werewolf.

Paul Salvatore also explained that the rest of the Salvatore bloodline will carry the four genes. Only if the children were boys, the genes will remain dormant forever. He hypothesizes that the next lady Salvatore would be the one to untangle the knotted genes and obtain being a witch, vampire, werewolf, and phoenix.

The further on the bloodline, the more the genes fade away. The Salvatores vowed to only create one baby and it would be a shame if it was a girl. I guess that really is why my parents hate me so much.

I sighed as I closed the Journal shut. It's too bad they hate me for something I have no control over.

"Thanks, Lilith. You've been a great help." I thanked.

I put on the cloak again and left.

As I creaked open Draco's door, I peeked in to see if Draco was inside. The coast was clear. I opened the door wider and stepped in.

The door shut immediately behind me and I jumped.  I slowly turned around to face a pissed Blonde.

"Take it off." He demanded.

My body subconsciously obeyed and I took off the invisibility cloak.

"Hello princess." He cooed.

"H-hi." I wobbled out.

"Quite nervous considering how bold you were this morning." Draco continued.

"You s-seem mad. Wanna talk about it?" I suggested.

Draco leaned down to my face level and slightly bumped our noses together.

"You're in for a long night princess. I suggested you rest." He ended.

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