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"I love you, Y/n."

I was currently cuddling with Draco as we were both naked in the bath. I was on his lap and his head rested on mine. My eyes went wide.

Draco started to let out a few stutters, hesitant if he should take back what he just said. I slowly lifted my face and our eyes connected.

"I love you too," I replied effortlessly.

Draco seemed to smile after that and he leaned down for a kiss. I kissed him back and our tongues reconnected in harmony.


I got out of the bath first and put on my Slytherin uniform, but with a shorter skirt. Draco got out minutes later and was shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets still hung onto his soft skin. His platinum blonde hair hung wet on his face as his grey piercing eyes returned to mine.

"Like what you see?" Draco cooed while also snapping me out of my daydream.

"What? Oh, um, yes." I stuttered out.

Draco only chuckled as he walked over to me. He fixed himself with a permanent smirk as he cupped my cheek and kissed me on the lips. Draco's free hand claimed my waist and trailed his hand down my skirt and onto my exposed thighs.

"Change darling, now." Draco asserted.

My cheeks felt hot as Draco's hot breath fanned my face. My eyes traced up his uncovered v- line and to his toned abs. I followed the path to his chest and finally up to his face and into his eyes.

"But I wore it for you," I complained.

"No love, you wore it to tease me." Draco declared.

I huffed as I got caught.

"So? You tease me all the time with that beautiful face of yours." I fought back, crossing my arms.

"It's not my problem. What do you want me to do about it?" Draco started.

"I don't know. Literally, every girl wants you." I continued.

"Yet out of all of them, I seem to only crave you." Draco cooed.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I questioned.

"I don't know princess, does it?" Draco let out.

I narrowed my eyes in defeat.

"No, it doesn't." I lied.

Draco pushed me onto his bed and hovered over me once more. His hands started to choke my neck and he leaned closer to my face.

"I know it when you lie to me, princess. Now, tell daddy the truth before I punish you again." Draco cooed in a dangerously low tone.

"..yes," I coughed out.

"Yes, what?" Draco asked as he squeezed harder.

"..yes..da-ddy..You m-make m-me feel go-od.." I struggled out.

Draco let his grip soften and he scoffed.

"Pathetic." He snared.

I blushed and started to mutter something out, but I decided it would be best if I just kept quiet and changed. I could feel Draco's smirk following me as I obeyed his orders.


Draco and I made our way to dinner but were brought to Professor Snape's class instead.

I had missed a pretty good amount of class to earn me a week's worth of detention. Draco got the same punishment as we probably only attended one class ever since the beginning of the school year.

I had detention that very day with a different teacher while Draco stayed with Professor Snape. I was forced to miss dinner and write 'I will attend all my classes from now on.' 1000 times. I got tired of writing my 103rd one and tried to use magic, but that bitch of a teacher caught me and made me start all over again.

When I finished, I hurried over to my dorm and just plopped on my bed, falling asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to the smell of chicken. 

"Draco? Is that you?" I let out, still half asleep.

"No, it's Harry. I heard you couldn't make it to dinner, so I brought dinner for you...and the boatload of assignments you've missed."

I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and slightly batted them at Harry. I only did this subconsciously but Harry obviously noticed. He started to turn bright red right in front of me.

I giggle a little at how much he gets flustered when around me.

"Thanks, Harry." I yawned out.

Harry set the tray in front of me and I started to eat. The chicken was great but not the best I've had. Harry started to sort through the work he had brought for me and explained what had to be done.

I got bored so my eyes started to wander the room. I noticed it was awfully quiet and that Trisha wasn't here. Weird.

Suddenly, the door busted open and Draco strolled in. When Draco's eyes landed on Harry's, his eyes shot up to mine with rage.

"What the fuck Y/n? What the hell is this imbecile doing in your dorm?" He yelled.

"Do you ever know how to knock?" Harry shot at him.

"Draco, relax. Harry is just here to help with my missing assignments" I assured him.

"First of all, no one asked you, Potter. Second, you still have a project to do with me. And since when do you eat and study with Potter in the middle of the night?" Draco exploded.

"Draco, Harry just came in and offered me dinner cause I couldn't make it tonight," I explained.

"You slut. Do you really think I will believe anything that comes out of your disgusting mouth?" Draco yelled.

"What is your problem Draco?" I snared while rolling my eyes.

"My problem is you Y/n. How can I trust you with anything? How can I trust you won't just cheat on me?" Draco shouted.

"It's called faith Draco. There is nothing I can do to prove or satisfy your doubts.." I started.

"Then how can I trust anyone?" Draco spoke, lowering his voice.

"Time love." I cooed as I walked towards him. We were now only a foot away. I looked up and kept my eyes on his as he did the same.

Draco leaned down and got inches in front of my face and spat,

"Too bad I don't have time. And I certainly won't waste another second with you, you filthy whore."

Draco pulled back and just glared at me. I started to tear up. What he said hurt. I let a tear drop slide down my face as it also started to burn. Draco just scoffed when he noticed. His eyes were cold, filled with anger and a speck of guilt. He was trying to hide it and he was doing a pretty good job.

"I hope you meant that cause we are OVER!" I shouted the last part.

Tears were pooling in my eyes and Draco just stood there with semi-wide eyes.

"GET OUT!" I screamed.

Draco looked hurt but I could care less. He made his way out and I just broke. I fell onto my knees, crying, sobbing. I forgot Harry was still in the room so I jumped when I felt someone touch me.

I looked up and was met with brown comforting eyes.

"H-Harry, I-I-I'm sorry." I choked out.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. It's ok." He comforted me.

Harry knelt and pulled me into a hug. I gave in willingly as I curled up into a ball and leaned against his chest. I sobbed into him until I was too tired to move again. Harry just hugged me tight, played with my hair, and hummed me to sleep.


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