
896 28 17

(Y/N's POV)

It was just hours away from the wedding

And I'm sweating my skin off.

"I can't do this , I hate this place , This is abuse".

My eyes changed I several times in nervousness.

"Gotta get out". I looking around the basement for anything useful.

A crowbar was on the top of a dusty wooden shelf.

I started to climb up but since im a midget and I'm clumsy as all hell you know where my ass hits when it tried to jump.

"Questo figlio di puttana non è una merda".

(???) "Quite the foul mouth (Y/N)".

I turned around

Pazzo was sitting on the ground holding something

"What do you want I'm trying to escape".

"A little birdie told me that you where in a jam". The cat chuckled.

"Who". My head titled in curiosity.

"Tiny , she's one fiery little girl that's for sure". He purred as he floated up on my shoulder.

"They're worried sick about you (Y/N)  I hope you know that".

"Lo so, ma per quanto riguarda il mio amore, sarà uccisa se la vedono".

"She's fine for now but it's Zen you need to worry about" He giggled at the last part.

"Why should I care about him he's been nothing but a pain in my ass". I avoid eye contact with him.

"Akali knocked him out".

My eyes widened at his statement. "Are you serious , my goodness she is a ruthless woman".

"Yea they put him in the trunk saying no witnesses".


"I forgot to geve you this here". He had something silver in his mouth

"A paperclip , what are you doing with a paperclip in your mouth you could choke"

"You know what to do you (Y/N) but those old robbing skill to the test". He disappears out of the basement.

I unfolded the paperclip then bent in into a weird shape.

Jingling and picking the lock was not easy. It took me a minute to pick the lock open but it worked.

I pushed the door open I heard people lots of people.

Ladies and Gentlemen where dressed in very snazzy clothes and jewelry of all kind walking up the stairs onto the roof. I looked out the window to see that the sun is setting.

Hands instantly grabs onto mine and turned me around pretty fast.

"(Y/N) you alright". I locked eyes with Vintage's silvery ones.

"Naw , I just been whipped around by a six foot man just fine".

Vintage glares at me "Alright smartass don't push it damn it".

"Where's everybody else". I asked.

"Tiny and Roger are on the roof and Mr. Ray is cleaning somewhere".

"Ok , but what about , il bastardo con il trench". I whispered that last part.

"He's on the roof to , he hired musicians and he's trying to set them up with a stage , he fell on his ass trying".

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