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(Look at her eyes , they are so pretty)

(Akali's POV):

"Ahri where are you taking me"

All she did was bark and kept following her nose.

She started to pick up her pace and dipped into an empty alleyway.

"Hey wait up Ahri".

We keep jogging down the alleyways until we came to a hotel

"This is the hotel that (Y/N) stayed at".

Ahri ran to the door and started banging on the door with her little paws.

"Ahri stop banging on the door".


A gruff man with a newspaper started shooing way Ahri.

Ahri thought it was a game and she jump up and started shredding the newspaper into pieces.

(???) Hey , let go of my newspaper I paid fifty cents for this newspaper.

"I'm sorry abo-".

"It's you the same bitch that climbed up my hotel wall and broke through the door you man enough to come right back ".

"Oh Mr. Ray I can pull down these pants and show you how much a man I can be"

"You got some explaining to do breaking my doors and damaging my hotel"

"Should I break your windows next".

He rolls his eyes.

"What do you want because you apparently don't come here"

I sighed

"I need a favor"

"What do you need , What do you want. Can I not just live here with you animals.

Ahri's ears twitched "Im offended by that comment".

"You don't count talking dog".

"Its Ahri and I'm a all powerful being that can consume you soul you'll be bowing down on your fucking knees for me by now".

"Ok , jackoff"

"Its Ahri".

I rolled my eyes at the petty argument before me.

Then I got a notification on my phone.

"Ew era ni Sal Sagev"

"Who in the world would right like this" I view the message.

"Let me see" Ahri shifts into her human form

"What kind of language is this".

I shrug my shoulders.

"Old man by chance you know what this says".

"You don't understand English"

"What" me and Ahri looked at each other confused.

"How is this English"

"Its spelled backwards".

"Ok then what does it say" Ahri's tails twitched in anticipation.

"It say "We are in Las Vegas".

"Las Vegas why there".

"Ok , im not supposed to tell you this but in about a week the boss is forcing her to get married by a another casino owner son and to combine there businesses in Las Vegas".

"Thank you so much for tell me this"

He rolled and opened his shredded newspaper.

"Yea yea , get out of here before it's to late".

My phone vibrated again

Esaelp yrruh Eroma

"What does it say now". I shove my phone in front on the hotel bellhop.

It say "Please hurry Amore" there are you satisfied with my service".

"Just one more thing where is she in Las Vegas"

"For the love of.....look I don't know but I do know someone who knows"

"Who" Me and Ahri said in unison.

He went a drawer and pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it.

"There a place called The Gold Digger and unless you got good money that place ain't cheep and if you got your going to want to talk to Jazzel".

Thats (Y/N's) older sister.

He hands us a picture.

Man oh man I had me and Ahri had a nosebleed.

"Is she what I think she is".

"I can see where she gets her looks from" A blush runs on my face.

"Jazzel drives a hard bargain so you better watch what you say or do your she'll kick you right out but I doubt it since (Y/N) is on the line".

"Or if she doesn't buy it just tell Mr Ray sent you and you won't have a problem......probably".

Ahri's ears perked up. "Did you know her"

"Yea , I knew her before I did something terrible you see that scar over her neck".


"Let's just say greed makes you do terrible thing just hope that you get her attention now , get the fuck out".

I flipped him off , kicked a window and left.


    ️♣️[TIME SKIP BITCHES]♦️♥️

Me and Ahri had made back to the penthouse.

"Where were you two , you had me worried sick" Kai'Sa yell from the top of the stairs.

Evelynnand Seraphine's heads popped out of the corners.

"What were you two doing this late at night". Eve asked.

"(Y/N) is somewhere in Las Vegas"

"I don't know but there's someone else who know but I dont think Seraphine would like this".

"Like what". Seraphine tilts her head.

"Sera I think that you're innocent mind won't handle where we are about to go".

I looked at Evelynn.

"Help me I don't know how to explain this to her in a kid friendly way".

Evelynn smirk.

"Your talking about that place Darling".

"What are you guys talking about" Seraphine whines.

"This child won't be so starry eyed for long".

"All right let get our shit packed and fucking go"


"The strip club".

Seraphine's eyebrows raises

"What's that"

Evelynn smirked  "Its a place where  people get payed to su-"


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