♤The Trio♤

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"Oh Hell No".

I begin panicking.

"Baby are you alright can I end this now if you want me to" Akali cracks her knuckles.

"Hold on now Akali".

I walked over the couch that me and Akali sat on.

"I'm need some help getting this couch up".


Akali's POV

Once we lift up the couch I questioned myself how I'm not dead yet.

"(Y/N) what the fuck are those" Me and Seraphine's eyes were glued on the two weapons

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"(Y/N) what the fuck are those" Me and Seraphine's eyes were glued on the two weapons.

"There my mac 10's" (Y/N) nonchalantly replied.

"How did you even...?"

"The chamber's to my other's ones broke and you have that hook thingy that you chop people's heads off".

"It's called a Kama babygirl".

"Well whatever it is it kills to"

I looked under the couch again that there where guns of all sizes taped to the bottom.

"What where you doing before I met you". I asked (Y/N)

"Shit you wouldn't believe".

"You are a war criminal.....And I love it". I grab my Kama and Kunai and walked after her.


(Y/N's POV)

I walked down the hallway with both loaded guns in my hands.

The scent of the air smelled pungent

"You smell that (Y/N) it smells like burn marijuana and perfume". Akali says.

"Oh dear God it's them".

"It's who".

(???):Well well well the little whore got a girlfriend.

(???): Dose this place got a lighter I need my smokeies.

(???): Hello My Dear

"Who the fuck are you two and I thought I made my message clear when I kicked your ass". Akali barked.

"Oh these muthafuckas" I facepalm.

The three stooges

Piranha Pussy , Pot-head and Simping Muthafucka or should I say

Clair , Chase and Zen.

"Missed me (Y/N)".

"Hell no".

Zen starts strutting up to me.

"Zen if you and your new friends don't leave this house I swear I will shoot so many holes in you that you're guts will be leaking with lead".

He kept walking up to me.


Akali starts readying herself to strike.

Fuck it I tried to be nice.

"So (Y/N) why ar-"


I at least put like 20 to 15 bullets in his leg.

He tries to scramble way from me

"You don't get to talk to me for what you had done to Tiny".

"Welp we tried to do this in a civilized manner but you just had to mess up (Y/N)" Clair points a gun at me and aims it.

"Besides you don't deserve the throne anyways but you're lucky that the King want you alive". She pull the trigger.

I felt someone shoved me out the way


il mio amore

la mia anima,

il mio tutto

Was on the floor unconscious.

But there was no bullet instead was some sort of dart .

"Damn it where are the other ones".

"What part off 'I can only have the requirement to make one' do you not understand".

I hear the sound of rushing feet coming from upstairs.

"(Y/N) and Akali are down here in the living room" I hear Seraphine's voice.

"Darling what's wrong" Evelynn yells.

"HE-" Chase puts his hands over my mouth and drags me towards the back window.

"I just heard her near the kitchen" Ahri said.

"What happened to Akali". Kai'Sa was in panic mode.

Chase carried me and Zen through the kitchen window.

I latched onto the window seal and held on for dear life.


I heard the rapid clicking of Evelynn's heels.

Once she saw me get pulled out the window her sharp lashers and hands wrapped around me.

"Keep fighting Darling" Evelynn was pulling with all her might.

Ahri and Seraphine help out.


Clair and Chase pulled harder.

Out the corner of my eye I see Kai'sa rush in with those floaty things behind her.

"EVERYONE DUCK" She yelled

Everyone else duck accept for the Clair , Chase and Zen.

They flashed and a rush of homing crystals came straight for the three of them.

The many crystals pelted them right in the face hopefully in the eyes.

They let me go and scurry off.

Evelynn's lasher dropped me on the ground.

"Who where those people darling".

"Just people who are after the throne".

Then a thought struck my mind.

Mi Amore

I ran back into the living room to see that's she's still unconscious.

I lay my head on her chest.

A heartbeat

A few tears fall from my face

"Keep fighting Amore I'll take care of you I promise".

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