♡Mess With One Of Us You Mess With All Of Us ♡

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(Akali's POV)

"I should reach up that little pygmy's ass and pull out his heart his ass heart" (Y/N's) eyes changed into red ace of spades.

"Baby please calm down" I hugged her close to my body.

"Why would he do something so wrong like that". (Y/N) lays her head on my chest.

"I thought he was just a asshole but I never thought he'll do something like that".

"That's why I'm going to end it right now". She gets up and puts her gun in her pocket.

"Hold on baby-cakes think about it" I try to stop her.

She gives me a little glare.

"Would you let me get raped".

"No , but what if it's a trap".

She pauses for a second.

"I know it could be but I just want everybody to be safe and sound".

She walks out of my room and into the kitchen and I followed her.

"(Y/N) why we in the kitchen" I asked.

She looks around and sees a third full wine bottle.

"(Y/N) what are you doing".

She picks it up and walks over to Evelynn who sit on the couch reading a magazine.

"Miss Evelynn could you please drink the rest of this wine for me".

Evelynn quirks an eyebrow confused.

"What for darling~".

"I just need an empty glass bottle of something".

Evelynn drinks the rest of the wine and hands her back the bottle.

I was not ready for what (Y/N) did next.

"Alright see you guys later" She proceeds to walk out the door.

"Darling you are not going no where".

"I'll make a margarita for you"

"Be back before nine".

I wish I could convince Evelynn like that sometimes.

(Y/N) starts walking out the penthouse.

"(Y/N) wait at least let me drive you there".

I hopped on my Sports Bike.

"Get on (Y/N)".

(Y/N) looks at me crazy.

"You have to be fucking kidding me" She mumbled.

"Get on I promise I won't do anything that you don't like".

I gave her a look that she cannot resist

She gives me on last look before hopping on with me.

"Please don't kill me".

"I would never try to hurt you baby-girl never".

"You are a shameless flatter Akali".

"I know I am sweet-cheeks".


(Y/n's POV)

We made it back to the hotel.

Me and Akali race to the front door of the hotel.

"Hello Miss (Y/N)......Oh hell no your the girl that climbed up my hotel".

"Yea and I'll do it again if you keep coming at me". Akali snaps back.

"Mister Ray she's with me" I defended.

"Well tell her not to climb walls again or I'll give her the boot" Mr. Ray goes back to reading his newspaper.

"She won't". I give Akali a small glare.

We both sprinted to the elevator.

Akali looks at me worried

"Let's just hope you're friend is ok"

The doors to the elevator open and we run out bumping into several people.

"There go my room" I point up ahead.

I started to get out my card key but Akali had a different way of opening a door

She body slams right through it and landed on her rump

"Akali are you fucking stupid you could've broke something".

"It would take to long if you got your key card".

I rolled my eyes.

I walked through the hole in the door to find Tiny.

I heard crying in the bathroom.

"Akali in here".

She heard me and followed my voice.

I knocked on the door.

"Tiny you in there".

"(Y/N) is that you"

"No it's Patrick who is the only one who would say something like that". I said in a jokingly manner.

She opens the door quickly and hugs me tears running down her face.

I hugged back

"Did Zen really did that to you"

She nods.

"Akali please call the police for me doll".

"Right on it (Y/N)". She whips out her phone and calls 911.

"I can't believe that her did that to you". I hold her close.

I felt Akali's head on mine

"You want some attention to".

I held Akali's hand in mine and waited for the police to arrive.

♠️(Time skip because I'm too lazy)♠️

(Cop): And what was his name ma'am

(Y/N) : Zenith Penelope Benjamin Analisa Rick Jeovanni Sebastian Erikson Bernadette XII

(Akali) That's his full name , damn

(Cop) Thanks for your hospitality ma'am.....wait a minute weren't you the girl that got shot.

I nod

(Cops) We got keep an eye out then.

The cops leave to find Zen.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and Akali.

"What happened here (Y/N)"

I turned around to see Vintage and Skyler.

"Zen touched Tiny" Akali stated out.

"Where is she now". Skyler asked

"She's going to a rehabilitation facility". I looked down.

"Ok that's it im going to murder him" Vintage says.

"The cops are after him not if they don't catch him then I will".

The two of them chuckled.

"Welp see you two later"

I waved.

The sun is setting.

"We should hurry back before Evelynn gets a hold on us" Akali revved up her Sports Bike.

I hop on and we rode back to the penthouse.

We made it back before nine.

"Ladies first" Akali opens the door for me.

"Aren't you a lady too".

"My drink (Y/N)"


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