♡In Reality♡

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(Akali's POV)


I walk towards the large tree.

"Nice to see you again Miss Akali".

I looked around for the mysterious voice.

"Who goes there I have a Kunai and a Kama with your name on it".

The voice chuckles "Madam Akali no one is here to bring any troubles".

"Wait a minute how do you know my name". I asked.

"So you don't remember me".The mystery voice said.

I hear the rustling of grass and a shady figure came behind the tree.

"Do I know you" ?

"Remember the hospital".

"............." I looked at her eyes they changed into different poker suits every time she blinked.


"Correct mio amico". The lady said.

"Since your here have you seen a cat around here.

I felt a weight on my shoulder

"Madam Bianca , you called". Pazzo clung to me.

"I saw you torment this young lady , shame on you".

"Guilty As Charged". Pazzo floats up and lands on the tree.

"Do you mind if asks you a question Miss Akali".

I raised an eyebrow confused.

"Yes go ahead".

"What did you see in (Y/N) when you first met her".

"Why do you say that" I asked.

"Because you're different from all the other people she's met , you treat her like a Queen is something going on between you two".

I blushed.


"Madam Bianca she's obviously head over heels for that girl". Pazzo lazily said.

"Is that so she doesn't seem very close to her".

"It is so she's my Queen".

"I knew it" The cat giggles.

"Shamelessly admitted it to , your perfect for her".

"I know I am". I crossed my arms.

"But what about the attitude Madam Bianca". Pazzo asked.

"(Y/N) will be fine she's dealt with worse". Bianca pets his dark fur.

"Hey she's my Queen and going to treat her like one to".

"That's what the other one said he ended up using her I hope you won't do the same".

My eyes widened "I would never hurt her she my...... how does she say it Mi Amare something like that".

"You mean Mi Amore". She corrects me

"Yea that".

"And what are your intentions with (Y/N)".

"To make them my bitch". I looked at the viewer then winked.

Both of them looked at me crazy.

"J-just kidding".

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