♧Out of Reality♧

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I was carrying Akali's limp body to her bed.

"Why was it her why couldn't it be me"? I question myself.

I gentaly placed her body on the bed.

"You do too much for me Mi Amore". I kissed her on the lips.

I never understood why she would do such a thing , I've survived bullets and explosives and anything dangerous but Akali hasn't or has she I don't know but like hell I wasn't going to let her get killed over my troubles.


People care more about her that me I'm just a lost cause.

I looked at her before touching her fluffy hair.

Her hair was so wild yet softer than silk.

I stuffed my face into her silky soft hair and relaxed.

"Dormi bene, mio ​​cavaliere" I held her cheeks gently


(Akali's POV)


I hold my head slowly getting up.

"Where am I". I stood up taking in my surroundings.

I look around that I'm in a alleyway.

"How do I get out of he-"

(???) Well hello again madam Akali

"Huh" I look down at my feet.

"Huh" I look down at my feet

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There was a black blue striped cat with the wide smile , very eerie eyes and unusual paws.

"Did you just-"

"Yes Miss Akali I just spoke". The cat starts floating.

"How are you and where am I".

"I am Pazzo and you are currently in your mindscape".

"I'm going crazy".

The cat chuckled "No you're not".

"Then how do I get out of here".

The cat then grins widely "I'll take you to Bianca but you have to make a deal with me".

I get suspicious.

"What kind of deal". I raised my eyebrow.

"Let me see my owner and I'll let you talk to Bianca". The cat chuckled then lend out it's paw.

"Then who is your owner then cat".

"It's (Y/N) of course , I have never seen her ever since what happened to her mother life has never be the same for me".

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