♤Ms. Steal Yo Girl♤

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"These muthafuckas really just left me".

"Looks like your stuck with me for awhile~♡. Akali's breath was tickling the back of my neck and her lips softly kissing my shoulder slowly working her way up.

"Akali please stop what you're doing we're in public".

"K then I'll stop"

"Thank you".

I head back into the dressing room and put back on my regular clothes and payed for the suit.

"Where are we going now pretty-girl~♡" Akali asked.

"I have no idea". I look around to see what we can do together. My eyes spotted a crystallized tail going around a corner and I started planning my escape. I whip out my phone and start texting Vintage.


(Y/N): Vintage you guys at the food court

(Vintage) : ye why

(Y/N) : I want u to get me [F/F] please

(Vintage): k what kind of drink u want

(Y/N) [F/D] please. I will pay you back.

(Vintage): you don't have to


I turned off my phone and starting walking along side Akali.

"Hey (Y/N) we should go over there".

Akali points to a Ice cream parlor.

Akali takes my hand and leads me to the parlor.

"I can smell the diabetes from here".

"Come on Akali ice cream is good".

"Ice cream is good and all but danm the smell is almost sweeter that you~♡". Akali's hands find their way around my waist again.

"Ok goofball I get it now let me go".

We entered the little ice cream parlor.

"What can I you and this lovely lady today". The cashier looked at me.

A blush dusted on my cheeks.

"Umm.....sir I wouldn't say that if I were you".

"And why can't I".

I simply pointed behind me to Akali who walked up and stabbed the little bell on the counter with a dagger.

"Don't even think about it". Akali's glare was sharp enough to kill.

The color drain from the poor man face.

"Sorry my mistake". The man apologized.

"That's what I thought". Akali glare softens.

"Jeez Akali".

"What , he was flirting with you IN FRONT ME your mine to take care of".

"I understand that but you killed that poor innocent bell , that's cold blooded and you know it".

Akali looks at the shattered bell

"The bell can die too"


I got a [F/F] ice cream in a cone while Akali got vanilla.

"Grazie amore mio".

"I swear I don't understand what you say half the time".

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