Chapter 2-Flashbacks

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Lisa's POV

I woke up feeling relaxed. I saw white curtains with sunlight pouring into the room in front of me. Unlike the other days where I would wake up to nothing but darkness. I realised that I was wearing someone else's clothes and sat up in shock. Just then the door opened and in walked a man holding a tray in his hands. He looked at me and smiled.

"How are you feeling now?" He placed the tray of food on the side table.

"Where am I and who changed my clothes?" I asked him scared.

"Don't worry. I changed them and I did not see anything, I had my eyes closed." The man said smiling and I somehow felt truth in his words.

"My name is Jung Kook. I helped you last night. You ran into my car and started crying for help, remember?"

I nodded at him and the flashbacks of yesterday started, causing me to tear up and I started crying.

"Please don't cry. What's your name?"

"Lisa!" I said still crying.

"Ok Lisa. Now please tell me what happened with you?" He asked looking at me with pitiful eyes.

"A-actually I ran away from my house to save my life."

"Are you in danger?"

I nodded looking at him.

"What kind of danger?"

"My parents...they want to kill me!" I said crying more.

"But why?" He asked confused.

I then told him everything. About how my father married my step mother after my mom passed away and how they would beat me everyday. How they would not not give me food for days and how I was always locked in a room with only darkness surrounding me. But yesterday how I got the chance to escape when my step brother left the door unlocked.

"And I met you yesterday but I was feeling so weak that I fainted." I was now crying uncontrollably and buried my face in both of my hands. Just thinking about it makes my heart drop to my stomach and gives me goosebumps.

I felt a strong pair of arms around me. Jung Kook hugged me tight. I felt very safe in his arms. We stayed like that for a minute until I broke the hug and looked at him.

"Thank you so much for helping me. I'll get going now."

He held my hands and looked back at me.

"You are not going anywhere until those monsters are not punished for their crimes. Don't worry, you are safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me. Now come on stop crying and have the breakfast." He wiped off my tears and placed the tray on my lap.
I was so hungry that I ate all of the 8 sandwiches on the plate and drank two glasses of juice. And a lot of water. I wiped my mouth. Jung Kook was still sitting in front of me, smiling.

"Thanks! I was really hungry." I said a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. I knew that already. Do you want some more?" He asked showing his bunny smile.

"No thanks I'm full now." I smiled back.

"Okay. I'll clean it up." He took the tray and went to the kitchen.

He came back with a bar of chocolate in his hand and gave it to me.

I took it and started munching on it. After eating, I wanted to freshen up and take a bath. I slowly got up but still couldn't stand. I was about to fall but Jung Kook held me. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Be careful. Let me help you." He held me and took me to the bathroom slowly.


"Are you okay?" He asked once again freeing his grip on me.

"Yes, don't worry." I gave a him a small smile and went to take a bath.

After taking a quick bath, I wrapped a towel around my body and came out. There was a T-shirt and pair of shorts on the bed. I wore them, fixed my hair and headed to what I assume was the living room.

Jung Kook was sitting on the couch playing on his phone. I went and sat beside him and he looked at me.

"Thanks for the clothes." I smiled at him.

"Please don't thank me every now and then. I'm your friend now." He said smiling.

"Hmm..okay friends.!" I extended my hand out for a shake and he took it, flashing the cutest bunny smile.
I had to admit it. He was very cute and caring. His wife would be so lucky.

"I'll be right back." He got up from the couch and ran back to his room.

I decided to take a tour of the house. In front of the couches was the television and behind the living area was the kitchen. Facing the living area and the kitchen was the pool. On the right, was the doorway and next to it was a painting and some showpieces placed on a high shelf. They looked expensive. On the left was a room and some steps further was the staircase leading to the first floor and Jung Kook's room. The house was beautiful. As I was busy admiring the house, Jung Kook came running all dressed. I was confused looking at him.

"Let's go!"

"B-but where?" I started to feel scared.

"Shopping!" He handed me a mask and a cap.
I hesitated feeling scared of someone catching me and the same torturous things would happen with me again.

"Lisa, I know what are you thinking? No one will even get near you because I am there. Let's go now shall we?" He extended his hand to me and this I did not hesitate to take it. I took the cap and the mask from him and wore them. And we headed out the door.

On the way, I couldn't help but keep my eyes fixed on the view outside. Everything is so beautiful. The bustling roads and colourful lights, people shopping and enjoying street food, all of it was so common yet so amazing. Maybe it's because I got to experience the taste of freedom after a very long time.

As we halted at the traffic stop, my sight fixed at a flower shop at the sidewalk of the road. A woman was helping her daughter wear a flower crown. I couldn't help but remember my mother. During my childhood days, my mother used to buy me flower crowns like this. We both would enjoy each other's company a lot.

One fine day, after we returned home from our small shopping trip, my father and step mother had already made a plan in action. My step mother yanked me by my arm and pressed her hand against my mouth hard. I couldn't free myself from her grasp and kept crying for my mother who was brutally killed by the monster who calls himself my father. He pressed a pillow on my mother's mouth and shot her through the pillow. It was a very painful sight for me to watch. I was so helpless at that time unable to save my mother.

The car jolted in action breaking the chain of my painful memories. I did not even realise that tears were flowing from my eyes. I quickly wiped them off so that Jung Kook wouldn't notice them but it didn't work. He had already seen me crying and put his hand on mine and squeezed it tight.

We reached our destination, the mall. It was huge and full of people. I got out of the car still unsure and scared of what would happen anytime.

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