Chapter 11-Kidnapped

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2 days later


"How's the plan going J?" The woman placed a call to her partner.

"Great mam, everything is going in order. I've been keeping an eye on that girl since the time you called me." The man spoke.

"Hmm. So how are you gonna do it?"

"Today I'll finally get a hold of her since she and your son will be going outside to pay a visit to the mall." said the man as he kept an eye on Lisa.

"But make sure my son shouldn't be harmed. Or else the consequences won't be nice for you!"

"Don't worry mam, my target is that girl, not your son."

"I trust you J. You are one of Carlos' most talented men. You know what to do after catching her."

"I am fully aware mam, I'll meet your ally after catching the girl."

"Good luck! See you."

A nod from the man and the call ended. The woman was fully confident about her evil planning. She was very satisfied with everything going accordingly. But what she failed to notice was a shadow lurking in the corner, who had overheard everything.

Jung Kook's POV

"Ready Lis?" I asked as I leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Just a minute!" said Lisa as she went through the refrigerator. "Done!" She closed it and came to me. "I've written what all we need." She took a glance at her list.

"It will be easier to shop." I said.

"Can we get strawberry milk and chocolates? Please?" Lisa asked with her adorable eyes.

"Hmm...let's get it!"

"Thank you!" She hugged my arm.

We took our places in the car. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something black. I soon darted my head outside, only to find nothing but grass.

"What happened?" Lisa questioned.

"Nothing, just my eyes playing tricks, I guess!" I shrugged it away.

"Let's go, shall we?!" Lisa pointed to the front.

Third person POV

Lisa and Jung Kook made their way to the mall. And the first thing they did was their grocery shopping, then a bit of window shopping but Lisa did not find anything that caught her eye.

"Not a good colour." Lisa left the scarf she picked up, on a rack.

"How picky!" Jung Kook teased.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "If you were a woman, you would have understood the importance of fashion."

"Glad I'm not!" said Jung Kook.

While Lisa looked around, Jung Kook wanted to pay a small trip to the bathroom.

"Lis, I'll be right back!" He said and headed out the store.

Lisa continued to search for things that caught her interest, until she bumped into a man.

"I'm so sorry." Lisa bowed and apologised.

She looked at the person in front of her. He was tall, muscular, had brown hair, sharp features and was dressed up in all black.

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