Chapter 12-Grief

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Third person POV

A tense atmosphere surrounded Jung Kook's house. His hyungs, Lisa's unnies and Hye Rim were all present at the glum moment.

"How are we gonna find Lisa?" Jin paced back and forth.

"I will kill that bastard once I find him." An angry Yoongi shouted.

"I think we must search for her first. Maybe ask people around the mall!" Namjoon suggested.

"No one knows who is that man!" Taehyung spoke.

"There must be cctv cameras all around the area. We can at least find a clue!" Said Namjoon.

"Why can't we head to the police station?" Asked Jhope.

"We can't file an FIR before 24 hours hyung!" Said Jimin.

"Why did I even leave her alone in the first place?" Jung Kook's voice rang out. His eyes were all red and voice sounded hoarse from crying. "It's all my fault!" He started crying again.

"No Kook, don't take the blame on yourself!" Jin comforted his maknae.

"We will find her Jung Kook. Stay strong!" Jisoo handed him a glass of water.

"Hye Rim! How did you know that all of this was going to occur?" Jennie questioned.

"I-I overheard someone talk!" Hye Rim said, her head hanging low.

"Who? Mom?" Jung Kook questioned.

"Yes!" Her head shot up. "Mom has planned all of this!" She said.

"Why would mom do this Rim?! Don't speak nonsense!" Jung Kook stood up.

"I'm not speaking nonsense! She is behind all of this! Even the day Lisa came to meet us, she said her words that I myself couldn't bear to hear." Said Hye Rim.

"If there was something between both of them, Lisa would have told me!" Said Jung Kook.

"Are you sure?" Hye Rim questioned.

Hearing Hye Rim, Jung Kook thought over again. Why was Lisa acting weird that day? Was she trying to hide it? Did he fail to understand her?

"Mom can't bear to see us happy. All she wants is people to be of her standards! She doesn't like Lisa because Lisa isn't all wealthy like us. She hates Lisa  for the fact that she has a completely different past!" Said Hye Rim.

"Hye Rim!" Jung Kook shouted. He couldn't bear people talking bad about his mom, even if its his sister.

"Guys please stop! This is not the time to argue!" Chaeyoung stepped in between.

"We have to find Lisa first, then we will figure this out together!" Jimin added.

"Where is Lisa's phone? Maybe we can-" Jisoo was cut off by Jung Kook.

"No use, her phone was in the car!" Jung Kook muttered.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Asked Jennie?

"We wait for dawn." Said Namjoon.


Lisa's POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache. All I could see was darkness around. I tried to move my hands but couldn't. Then I made out, I was tied up. My hands and legs were trapped with a rope. Then it dawned on me. I was kidnapped!

Why was I kidnapped? Will my life return back to what it was in the past? Jung Kook, Will I ever meet him again?

Just the thought of separating from Jung Kook broke my heart into a thousand pieces. The only man I loved!

My train of thoughts was broken by the voice of the door opening. Maybe someone had entered. And I was right. Something lit up. A bulb was the only source of light present in the dark room. A man came and stood, facing me. I was disgusted to see him.

"Jackson!" I shouted. "How could you do this?"

"Calm down darling!" He bent over towards me. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't shout like that." He said and tried to touch my cheek but I turned my head to the side.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands, you bastard!" I spat.

The next thing I knew, I felt a blow on my right cheek, followed by a stinging pain. He just slapped me!

He grabbed my face harshly, "I don't like people cussing at me. Not even girls like you!"

"What have I done to you? Why have you abducted me?" I shouted once again.

"Well, you haven't done anything to me, but to someone else. And that's why you're sitting here." He spoke, making me confused.

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered.

"You will get to know! But before that, I would like you to meet someone!" He said, opening the door.

And what I saw next, troubled me.


Jung Kook's POV

"I'll be in my room for some time!" I spoke up.

"Have some food Kookie!" Jisoo spoke.

"I'm not hungry!"

"Jung Kook, you need to have something. We have a lot to do in the morning and it will require energy." Said Jin hyung.

"Thanks hyung, but I really am not in the mood!" I said.

"I hope you are ready for the morning. We have to search that entire area." Said Namjoon hyung.

"I am completely ready hyung. I will go to the farthest corners of the world to find Lisa!" I said.

"And we will be right by your side!" Chaeyoung joined.

"Don't worry Kook, we all will find our Lisa." Yoongi hyung spoke.

"Anyways, I'll be in my room guys!" I said and headed upstairs, locking myself in the bedroom.

Once I entered, I let myself slide by the door, crying my heart out.

"Where are you Lisa?" I muttered.

Why did Lisa hide about the conversation she had with mom? I knew she looked very down that day.

Has mom done all of this? But what exact problem does mom have with Lisa?

I did not know the answers to any of these questions. All I knew was, I had failed to protect Lisa. I had promised her the day I met her, but I broke my promise.

Once I find her, I will make sure all those people are punished who are involved in this. Even if its mom.

But for now, I only prayed for one thing.

"Please be safe wherever you are, Lisa..."

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