Chapter 6-Desires

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Lisa's POV

I woke up with a heavy feeling in my head. As if some one was hitting me with a hammer. The only thing I remembered was that I was enjoying with the unnies. I scanned the room for Jung Kook but he was no where to be found. I heard shower running  from the bathroom. I guess he was taking a bath.

I yawned and was disgusted by my own smell. I smelled like alcohol. Ugh and this headache. Why can't it just go away?! I was having a very bad hangover. And I needed coffee right now! I leaned my head on the head board and closed my eyes.

After about 10 mins, I heard a door click and close.

"Good morning!" A sweet voice made its way to my ears.

"Not good for me!" I said my eyes still closed.

"We enjoyed last night!" Jung Kook said.

"I know!" I said not paying attention but when I heard 'we' I opened my eyes in shock.

"What do you mean! What did we do?" I asked stern but the fear was there in my voice.

"Your eyes will pop out now! Relax!" He said in a calm manner.

"Are you sure?" I asked him still doubtful. You know, just to confirm.

He started moving closer towards me. That's when I noticed. He just now had a bath and only had a towel wrapped around his waist, leaving the rest of his body naked. Oh god, he had the body of a greek god. And he was still wet, that was like cherry on top.

He came so close that our faces were only inches away. I couldn't even move back because I was practically pinned to the headboard of the bed.

"Did you want anything to happen?" He smirked.

I was agape at his question. The only thing I could do was shake my head. He moved away, letting me breathe.

"Nothing happened last night. You were drunk so I got you home and tucked you to bed."

I felt a sigh of relief.

"I think you should clean up!" Jung Kook said holding in his laughter.

I just glared at him and headed to the bathroom.

"Cute!" He muttered but I heard it. I just smiled and closed the door.

After having a cleaning session, I headed downstairs to have breakfast. I really wanted to have it on bed because I was still in a headache. But I didn't want Jung Kook to eat all alone. I would seem so selfish.

The smell of coffee hit my nostrils. I wanted to drink a cup of coffee so bad. I went and stood in front of the kitchen counter. Jung Kook was busy preparing something.

"Here, have this first!" He handed me a glass of orange juice. "It will help with the headache."

"Thanks!" I smiled and took a seat at the dining table.

I drank the juice and it was soothing the hangover slowly. I got up to help Jung Kook with the breakfast and both of us set up the table and dug in.

"Mmm..." I said chewing. It was so yummy.

Jung Kook laughed seeing me and I liked making him laugh.

"You're such an amazing cook!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks! I never cooked for anyone until now?!"


"Yes. Only you are getting to enjoy my delicious meals everyday." He said proud.

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