Chapter 20-Together Forever...

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6 months later

"Lili, can you come here for a minute?" Jung Kook shouted, standing near the entrance of their house.

"Coming!" Lisa's voice was heard from inside the house.

Less than a minute later, she came running, her hair in a messy bun.

"What is it?" She stood facing Jung Kook.

"See for yourself." He moved aside, revealing a nameplate, beautifully designed with the words 'Jung Kook and Lisa's abode'.

"Jung Kook, this..." Lisa was crying out of happiness.

"Yes Lisa. After all you're my wife. And this is nothing. Even I'm yours." He winked and laughed.

Yes, they were happily married.

"Don't cry please. I can't see your beautiful eyes because of your tears." He wiped her cheeks.

All Lisa did was kiss him on the spot. She felt so lucky to have Jung Kook as her partner and husband.

Lisa cheekily pulled away, "I love you!" 

"I love you more! Well, I think we should continue our work in the bedroom, what say?!" He winked again.

Lisa giggled and smiled, Jung Kook taking this as an answer.

Jung Kook lifted her in his arms, of course bridal style, and pecked her lips.

He ran inside, their laughs never ending.

The past was long forgotten. They both loved each other and felt contented. All that mattered, was that they both were happy. And together, forever.

The end.

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