Chapter 1-First Meet

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Jung Kook's POV

People assume that being born in a rich and wealthy family means you are blessed with EVERYTHING, but not everyone gets the same luck. My parents and I do not exactly have a lovely relationship. Right from my teenage years, I used to get into arguments almost everyday with my parents. Whether it be on studies or my behaviour, we were bound to have a shouting session everyday with me being the main aspect.

As years passed by, the topics changed and became more of mature ones focusing on my parents wanting me to take responsibility of our huge company and my life style. My parents always wanted me to be a perfectly mannered and intelligent person but I guess I did not live up to their expectations as my sister, Hye Rim did. So finally being fed up of all the melodrama, I decided to move out into my grandmother's house which she gave it to me instead of my dad. Plus I had already turned 21.

My mom, unlike any other mothers, tried to stop me. She first tried to be strict and bold with me, but then things did not work her way, so she put on a show of her tears. But I did not listen to anyone because I knew that my parents won't change their habit of lecturing me everyday.

Anyways here I am today, sitting in my house peacefully without any more rants of my name. It has been 1 year since I moved in and I must say, I got habituated pretty quickly. And now my life has been perfect.

I cooked myself a dish of white sauce chicken pasta with a hint of red sauce, my all time favourite. I grabbed a can of Coke from the fridge and along with my dish, sat down on my soft beige couch placed right in front of the television. As I was about to eat my first bite, my phone rang on the side table. I groaned at the loud sound disturbing my peaceful ambience and grabbed it from the side table. As I muted the volume of the tv, I answered the call from my sister who would, as usual, start with my parents talking and worrying about me all the time. But little did I believe her.

"Hey Jung Kook-ah!" A soft voice spoke from the other end.

"Hello Rim!" I answered in annoyance.

"I think I disturbed your eating time, isn't it?" My sister said laughing.

"Yes you have! What is it?"

"Nothing much. Just called to tell you that mom has being missing you a lot lately. A lot!"

"Come on Rim! You say this to me every time you call."

"I mean it Kook! And grandma is also here. She arrived today only."

"Okay! So is she going to stay?"

"Yes. For two days. So..." My sister stopped but I knew what she wanted.

"Okay fine. I'll pay a short visit." I sighed.

"Really! Come soon, we're waiting." My sister shouted excitedly almost making me deaf. I ended the call and threw it on the side.

I agreed because I knew grandma won't allow mom to rant at me again. My mom and grandma are so different from each other. I sometimes wonder if mom is even her daughter or not.

I had my delicious pasta and glanced at the time which showed 8:45 pm. I loved evenings a lot. I quickly got up, put the dishes in the sink and ran upstairs to get ready since I was in my T-shirt and shorts.

I wore a black hoodie with black jeans and put on my black and white sneakers. Black was my go-to colour every time. I took my wallet and car keys and ran out the door locking the house behind me.

The ride to my parents' house was pretty quick since I always took the short cut. I parked my car and headed towards the huge mansion with a fountain in front surrounded with beautiful gardens. Your typical image of a luxurious house. I got in and was greeted by my sister who hugged me so tight that I was out of breath. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the huge backyard where my grandma and mom were sitting at the tea table enjoying snacks.

I greeted my mom and grandma and my mom hugged me and planted a kiss on my forehead. My grandma pulled me to sit beside her which I did.

"Kook! Look at you, don't you eat properly?! You have lost so much weight." My grandma exclaimed.

"It's not like that."

"Then what is it like? Only picking heavy stones in that...what do we call it?"

"Gym!" My sister interrupted giggling.

"Yes gym!" My grandma slapped my back.

"Those are not heavy stones ma, they are called dumbbells!" I laughed.

"Dumbbells huh!" She pulled my ear causing me to groan in pain. She had grown old but her grip was still tight.

"Okay okay sorry!" I shouted and she released my ear.

"Have this!" She handed me a plate of sandwiches.

"I can't grandma, I just had food right now!"

"I don't know anything. Have it!" She stuffed a sandwich in my mouth.

Knowing I couldn't argue back, I had it. My mom smiled at me and I returned it. After some how having the sandwich, I decided to head back home since dad would return from work any time soon and he would somehow find a topic to start. No one, including my grandma could stop him.

"Okay ladies I'll take your leave!"

"But you came just now Kookie!" My grandma held my hand.

"Sorry ma but I have to go now. I have to complete my assignments also." I leaned in and kissed her cheek and got up.

"Come on Jung Kook, at least wait until dad arrives!" My mom interrupted.

"Sorry mom! Maybe next time." I went to her and kissed her cheek as well.

"Bye stupid!" My sister said hitting me.

"Bye idiot!" I punched her causing her to shout at me.

"Bye everyone!" I said as I walked back into the living room towards the huge brown door.

I got in the car and started towards home. I took the shortcut as always. As I was driving on the empty road lit with street lights, I suddenly had to pull the brakes as a figure came right in front of my car.

I hurriedly got out of the car to check the person.
It was a girl. Her hair was brown and she had bangs. She was unhurt but was not in a very good state. Her clothes were torn and she had bruises everywhere. She looked like she ran from an asylum or something and she was so thin that it looked like she was not given food for days. I helped her get up and she started crying.

"What happened Miss?" I asked her unsure but I knew something was wrong.

"P-please help me!" She started sobbing and held my hands tight.

"But what has happened to you?"

"M-my father...he..." She started shaking and closed her eyes slowly as she fainted.

I caught her just in time preventing her from falling on the road. Not knowing what to do, I picked her in my arms and laid her in the backseat of the car. I quickly drove home along with the girl.

As I reached home, I took her to my bedroom and laid her on the bed. She was still unconscious and was in a very bad state. It was like someone had tortured her extremely. I decided to clean her and change her clothes. I got a black T-shirt and a pair of jogger pants from my closet and a also a bowl of warm water and a towel.

I cleaned her face, hands and arms with the warm water and cleaned her bruises. Poor girl. She was beaten without mercy. I closed my eyes and removed her torn shirt and managed to put on the T-shirt. Summoning the courage, I pulled her torn tights and put on my jogger pants with my eyes still closed. After I was done cleaning her, I put the blanket on her and let her sleep.

I freshened up and got ready for bed. I checked on the girl, she was still asleep peacefully wearing my clothes which were too big for her. I took a good look at her. She was so beautiful and breathtaking. I don't know why but she looked cute in my clothes. I took a pillow and a spare blanket and laid on the floor to get some sleep.

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