Chapter 7-Confession

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OMG guys thank you so much 150+ reads. A click on the star button is enough for motivation!! Enjoy this special chapter!💜

Jung Kook's POV

Today was an important day. I'm preparing to confess to Lisa. I want it to be a super special day for both of us. We were now headed to Namjoon hyung's house. The girls would take Lisa for a day out. This would give me enough time to do the preparations.

"Why are we going to Namjoon hyung's house all of a sudden?" Lisa asked confused.

"Noonas wanted to meet you again. They said you are very friendly and nice."

"They are also very nice." Lisa smiled.

We reached hyung's house and saw that the girls were already waiting for us.

"Lisa! How are you?" Jisoo hugged her.

"I'm fine!"

"Lis!" Chaeyoung gave her a high five.

"Hey!" Jennie also hugged her.

"Where are the oppas?" Lisa asked looking around.

"They all are inside." Jisoo said.

"Let's go then!" Lisa was about to go inside but Jennie stopped her.

"Wait! We have to go now!"

"But where?" Lisa was confused.

"Girls day out!" Chaeyoung said excitedly.

"We'll have so much fun!" Jisoo said squealing.

"Okay girls, I gotta go!" I waved at them and headed towards the house.

As I turned to see them, Jennie showed me a thumbs up. I smiled and nodded. They got in the car and left. The coast was now clear. I went inside and saw the hyungs waiting for me.

"So are you all ready?" I asked them.

"I did not have to worry about proposing to Jisoo as much as I'm worrying for him." Jin hyung laughed.

"So what's the plan?" Yoongi hyung asked. He clearly was annoyed waiting for me as I had disturbed his sleeping time but still decided to join in.

"Did you get everything on the list, Hobi hyung?" I asked him.

"Yes sir!" He smiled and it was enough to get me started.

We all first talked to each other. All of them gave me advice. Then me, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung went back to the house to get things done. It was Namjoon hyung, Jimin hyung and Taehyung's task to pick an outfit for me. I was relieved because I had already got Lisa an outfit.

Lisa's POV

We were at a hair salon. I was really confused as to what was going on.

"Are you enjoying Lisa?" Jennie unnie asked me.

"Yeah! But why am I getting a makeover?"

" know we do this every month. It feels good to be pampered. And you really needed one." She said but I wasn't really satisfied with her answer.

Just then Jisoo unnie and Chaeyoung came back with Starbucks.

"What happened Lisa-yah?" Jisoo unnie asked handing me a cup of iced latte.

"Why am I getting a makeover out of nowhere?" I asked her.

"You see, you are our youngest sister now, so we all decided to give you a treat!" Jisoo unnie smiled.

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