Chapter 9-Confusion

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Jung Kook's POV

Lisa and I came home. I don't know why Lisa seemed off since the time she had a conversation with mom. She did not even eat well. Not to mention, she was eerily quiet during the entire ride back home. Usually she would talk about random stuff and bombard me with her jokes.

Did mom tell her anything....No I know mom, she wouldn't do like that. But then, what is it? My thoughts were interrupted by Lisa entering the room.

"Lisa, are you okay?" I stopped her midway the bathroom.

"I am. Why?" She asked looking at me. I felt a hint of confusion on her face.

"Just asking." I said.

She smiled and went inside, closing the door behind her.

Lisa's POV

I let myself sink in the tub filled with bubbles and the warm water, which helped me relax as I closed my eyes and leaned back. But the relaxed feeling did not last long as the flashbacks of the awful conversation I had with Jung Kook's mom replayed in my mind.

What was she trying to say? Did she not like me? Does she think I'm like other girls who love
Jung Kook only for his wealth? What was she trying to say was all that I could think as she left me in a pit of confusion and grief.

I don't know but every word that she said felt like a knife stabbing my heart. And some thing was different about her smile. Unlike grandma and Hye Rim, her smile was not generous. My gut feeling was not telling me the best things about her.

Should I tell Jung Kook about all of this? What if he thinks that I am insulting his mom? I should probably let this thing stay shut in my mouth.

Maybe she was acting like this because she met me for the first time. I tried assuring myself but my stupid brain... I should probably stop now. Or else I'll go crazy.

I got out from the tub and cleaned myself. As I wore my nightdress, all I wanted to do was cuddle with Jung Kook and forget all about this.

I opened the door to find complete darkness surrounding me. I called out for Jung Kook but no answer. I couldn't even see anything.

"Aah!" I gasped as a pair of arms wrapped around me. It was Jung Kook. Why does he have to scare me like that all the time.

"Jung Kook! You-" I was cut short as he placed a kiss on my neck.

"Lisa, can I ask you something?" He said turning me to face him.

"Are you really fine? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Y-yes I'm fine. I told you Jung Kook!" I said as I had to contain myself from opening my mouth.

"Come here!" He took me to the bed and switched on the lights. I took a seat on the soft mattress with Jung Kook opposite me.

"Lisa, you know you can trust me. I'll understand you. Don't hesitate to tell me what's bothering you." He said as he held my hand. I didn't know what to say.

"Everything is fine Jung Kook, and I would never hesitate to tell you anything. You are the only one who would listen to what I'd say." I lied not wanting to fuel the spark of hate that his mom lit today.

"Come here!" He said and engulfed me into a hug. Jung Kook's comfort and warmth was enough to calm me down. How lucky I am.

"Let's just get some sleep. I'm sure we'll be fresh tomorrow." I said and laid down beside Jung Kook, with his arms still wrapped around my waist.

He rested his head near my head as his warm breath fanned my neck. I must say that it is an amazing feeling. God help me, I've fallen so hard for
Jeon Jung Kook.

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