Chapter 3-Meet and Greet

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Jung Kook's POV

We got to the mall. I made sure Lisa was close to me the entire time. We entered a branded shop where I knew, Hye Rim would usually buy clothes. I handed Lisa a shopping bag.

"Feel free to buy as much as you want." I smiled at her.

"I will!" She took the bag and started checking out the racks of clothes.

As I was following her, she suddenly stopped making me confused.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Uh..." she pointed to the board on the left which said lingerie. I felt heat rush to my face.

"I'll wait here while you get what you want."

She nodded and went towards that section. After some time she came back.

"Okay I'm done here."

We then went to another side and she picked out some more things. I glanced at my phone. It was almost one hour since we came. But I did not say anything because Lisa seemed so happy. I wanted her to stay like that.

We checked out and got 10 huge bags filled with clothes and other stuff.

"Can we buy milk tea? Please?" Lisa requested pointing to the shop like a child.

"Of course!" I smiled and we bought 2 large cups of delicious milk tea.
After buying, we entered another shop. It was a jewellery shop, a very famous one and my mom's favourite.

As I waited for her, I spotted a pair of beautiful couple rings. Not just any rings but Cartier's latest Valentine's Day collection. I had seen them before but wasn't interested in buying since I loved my single life but today I decided to buy them. You know it wouldn't hurt to be prepared just in case I fall for someone even though I know it won't happen any time soon. I was confused with my own decision but still decided to get them. I asked the staff there to pack it for me and did not to tell Lisa about it.

The cashier packed it in a cute bag and handed it to me. Just then Lisa came holding a few pieces in her hand.

"I'm done." She handed the cashier the jewellery she picked and I paid.

We then just took a small tour of the mall. Lisa was so happy. I too felt nice seeing her like this. By about 5 pm, we left the mall.

I decided to pay grandma a visit since I was really missing her today and also it was a good idea as Lisa would also get to meet her.

"Where are we going now?" Lisa asked confused.

"To meet my grandma. I hope you're okay with it."

"No problem." She agreed.

We reached my parents' house and when Lisa saw it, she was awestruck.

"Your house is so beautiful Jung Kook."

"Thanks but it's my parents'." I corrected her.

"Yeah sorry." She let out a cute chuckle.

"Now let's go!" I took her inside.

"Grandma!" I shouted in the backyard to which she turned around and got excited seeing me.

"Kookie, my baby!" She hugged and kissed my cheek as I reached her.

"Ma!" I pointed at Lisa with my eyes who was laughing at me.

"Who is this beautiful girl?" My grandma smiled at Lisa.

"Ma! This is Lisa, my friend and Lisa, this is my beautiful grandma." I smiled.

"Oh stop it!" She hit me. "Lisa! What a nice name."

Lisa bowed to her. "Hello grandma!"

"Hello dear. Have a seat!" Lisa sat next to her.

"So how are you friends with this duffer!" She joked causing Lisa to laugh. It was the first time I saw her laughing. She should be like this more often.

"You never introduced me to Lisa, Kookie! When did you both meet?" Grandma asked to which Lisa glanced at me, her smile fading.

"Can I?" I asked her to tell grandma about her past. I did not expect her to agree.

I then told grandma everything about her. Grandma felt so sad that she pulled Lisa for a hug and Lisa started crying in her arms. She rubbed her back to calm her down.

"My child! It's okay. Cry as much as you want." She hugged her tight as her eyes started watering. She pulled and kissed Lisa on the forehead.

Just thinking about those people would make anger rush through my entire body and I won't rest until they are not punished for their crimes.

"Don't worry Lisa, we all are here for you." Grandma comforted her.

Lisa nodded and gave a small smile.

"Mom isn't home?" I asked looking around.

"No. She has gone to meet a friend."

As we were talking, Hye Rim came.

"Oh god! Miracle! Jung Kook is here by himself." She started acting extra dramatic.

"Hey! You are Lisa, right!" She smiled.


"I'm Hye Rim, this idiot's sister. God! you are so beautiful Lisa."


"The pleasure is all mine."

We all sat and had a fun time. Soon it was evening and it was time to head home.

"I enjoyed spending time with you all. Thank you so much!" Lisa said.

"We too! Right grandma?! Visit us anytime you want Lisa." Hye Rim went and hugged her.

"Come here!" Grandma hugged Lisa again.

I was glad that everyone got along well.

"Okay grandma, we'll leave now!"

"Okay dear." I hugged her.

"Bye everyone." And with this we went home.


"Your family is so amazing." Lisa said as she sat on the couch.

I smiled. Indeed grandma was kind and caring. But the thought of my parents struck me. Especially my mom. I don't know how she would react.

"Jung Kook! Any thing you want to tell me?" Lisa asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Uh no nothing."

"Well... thanks for today. And thanks for the clothes."

"Lisa please you're making me feel like a stranger. We are friends now." I insisted.

"Okay okay I won't say it now." She laughed.


We quickly had dinner and called it a night.

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